

This is the fourth and final component of Qultura methodology. This is the magical, practical component which sets you up for dream weaving activity and practice.

The environment creates, the individual grows.

This is an important mystical principle. Who you are and who you become is dependent on your environment and other people. Irrespective of your individual Principle and Process, it is the unfolding nature of your life and your connections and relationships to others which determines your karmic process, and this is what always leads back to your Principle and who you are.

Please keep in mind that the whole point of developing a Qultura method is to become 'real'. You can believe what you like, but unless you are deeply connected to your environment and to others you may miss out on important signs and signals coming from your environment and others relative to your process. When you become real your entire relationship with the environment changes, your path becomes much clearer and others respond differently. You become 'real' by choosing to live consciously, with integrity and subversively - rejecting authority and belief to live from a basis of truth. This is what Qultura is all about, talking your talk, walking your walk, going through your processes and living your truth.

When you are consciously aware and consciously connected to your environment, mindfulness returns. Understand that magic is based on language, a connection to others and your environment, and unity with everything and everyone as much as is humanly possible for you.

Foundation Principle


The rain did not fall specifically on that street. The people were too busy to notice their reflection. The water of the puddle had no memory to remember the reflection. Yet a connection was made between all.

This is the foundation principle of unmind.

Mindfulness is equilibrium. Equilibrium is balance, flow, harmony and cohesion. When the sea is calm do the waves disappear completely? When you are completely relaxed do you stop breathing? Mindfulness is a state of being, it is being in a natural state, you being you, you being connected to your environment, you being yourself among other people in a community, with friends, with your family. Mindfulness is what you are in your most natural state.

Unmind is the principle of living naturally, simply, and spontaneously through subversion and minimal effort. Living in a way which you don't have to think about. Hence the name for the principle - unmind.

The Figure of Eight

infinity symbol

The Figure of Eight is an important Unmind concept based on creating a figure of eight of two connected cycles using memory and language between you and an environment or community. What you are doing in creating this Figure of Eight is creating flows of energy between self and other, so that you are expressing memory and truth outwards into an environment from your perspective and experience and seeking insight and energy flows from other to create new experience, new memory and new reality.

To help you understand the point of a Figure of Eight, let's say someone has hurt you. They've insulted you, or disrespected you, or you got into an argument, or you had a negative, unpleasant social encounter with someone. This creates traumatic negative energy and creates a traumatic mindset. In your conditioned state of mind based on Ego this traumatic energy will cycle between your memory and your mind over and over and over again through a process of rumination. It will not matter how well other people treat you or how well your day is going that traumatic energy will cycle over and over and over again between your memory and mind and you will feel like shit and have no emotional or psychological well being until you do something to change or redirect that energy because that negative social encounter will continue to cloud your mind and disrupt your thinking processes.

This is where we need to get into meta-physics. Traumatic energy caught up in your memory can only escalate into space, where it creates division, chaos and confusion. It's this division and confusion which negates your emotional and psychological well being because your Principle is always dependent on your Process. If your Process is traumatic, say your life is stressful, you're being motivated by fear and insecurity, then you cannot have emotional/psychological well being or mindfulness. You can only break the traumatic cycles through a connection to environment and other to create insight to negate the traumatic energy.

Guiding Principles

Developing a Qultura method through Unmind requires an understanding and awareness of the following eight mystical principles (taken from Combined Numerology):

  • Zero (0) - space and non-existence
  • One (1) - consciousness and existence
  • Two (2) - duality and polarity
  • Three (3) - biological evolution and natural growth
  • Four (4) - cardinal direction and flow
  • Five (5) - creativity, drama and authority
  • Six (6) - the Sacred Masculine Principle
  • Seven (7) - the Sacred Feminine Principle

From an 8 to a 9

Being aware of the eight guiding mystical principles of the Figure of Eight and somehow working them into your Process opens you up to Eight (mystical power) and an understanding that to resolve past karma from memory you need to create new karma from an environment or other.

Please keep in mind that any traumatic energy in memory or even a traumatic mindset (which we get into later) separates your Principle from your Process and distorts your perception through redirecting the focus of your conscious attention away from environment and back to memory. Any rumination, or cycling of traumatic energy, is only experienced by you. Your suffering is not part of your environment nor is your suffering experienced by anyone other than you. Understand that whatever suffering you are experiencing which is keeping you attached to past memory is being created by the division between you and your environment (separateness) and your reincarnation of that attachment.

All trauma is environmental in nature and so requires a connection or relationship to environment to create the process of healing, recovery and growth. Trauma is always the start of a new process of karma, and eliminating suffering and unhealthy attachments to past traumatic experiences is what takes you from an eight to a nine, which is a position of truth. For any karmic process to be able to flow from a point of past trauma the traumatic energy needs to be shifted up a dimension to become consciousness and space. Please refer to the What are the five dimensions of life? in the FAQs to understand the five physical and meta-physical dimensions of life.

Applying the Guiding Principles to a Figure of Eight

You can create a Figure of Eight for any unhealthy attachment to past traumatic experience to negate suffering and harm from past traumatic memories which are still affecting your Principle and Process in the present moment or your current reality.

It does not need to be just a negative or traumatic social experience or unpleasant encounter. The scale and dimension of a Figure of Eight process is unlimited and can be used to address reincarnating past memories and traumatic energy from past memories going as far back as you wish, even to childhood memories. You do not have to go through life with unhealthy attachments from past memories such as past abuse, addictions and compulsive behaviour, suicidal thinking, and so on.

It also works if you yourself have created the trauma for others and are now attached to past memories which create sensations of guilt and shame through attachments to the past. Understand that memory and conception are powerful, very powerful, as is language and belief. But in creating such attachments to suffering you are essentially abusing your Principle and Process and giving up on opportunities to liberate yourself from such suffering. The past is just a concept simply because, just like the future (another concept) you cannot experience either without thinking and thought processes.

At some point there has to be some balancing between self and other, between reality and possibility, in order to return to a state of natural equilibrium, mindfulness and flow. This can always be achieved through a Figure of Eight and dream weaving activity.

Core Being

Core being

Core Being is the Unmind term for Principle (see principle and process), which is essentially the core of your being. The core of your being isn't just your Principle, it's Akasha, which roughly translates to spirit, ether, where the cosmos or universe and you are one and the same. It's that part of you which lies behind your Principle and the sum total of your perception of consciousness.

This is the part of you which is unborn, never manifest, never dies, which you cannot imagine, or conceive, understand or know because it's not physical, cannot be conceptualized or translated into language. This is essentially you as a Hungry Ghost here for the experience messing about with a physical body, physical brain, in a physical environment on a physical planet.

Think of it as your source, or the ultimate source of 'you' however which way you choose to imagine or conceptualize yourself. Core Being is the concept of this non-existential part of you necessary to understand the magic behind Unmind and its rituals. Magic is all about connection and unity between self and environment and self and other, but this connection is based on an understanding that you and environment and also you and other are one and the same thing.

Reality has no physical form and to believe it has is an illusion.

Physical form is impermanent and constantly changing. This is what defines your Process. If you understand that process is impermanent and constantly changing and that you are the perceiver of your process, then you understand that it is your perception of this process and is what gives you your Felt Sense of Immediate Experience, which defines your life. The physicality of your process can only occur in space or a void, and you are the void and reality which lies behind your process.

To believe that you are the physical form, and not the reality and space behind your process, and physical being, will cause you to cling to a false attachment and subject you to the constant cycles of trauma and karma. You cannot perceive yourself to be just process without being subject to the reality of your process, and if you identity with being the process the reality will scare you and create fear, anxiety and insecurity. If you identify as your Ego you will fear death and the end of your Ego. If you identify as your physical body and memory you will fear other. If you believe yourself to be purely anything physical you will create separateness and division.

The root cause of trauma and suffering is division and belief in separateness.

But if you understand that you are the space behind your physical process, and Core Being, then you understand that process is process and the constant, eternal unfolding of your Felt Sense of Immediate Experience and the lawful nature of your life experience and memory. Qultura is no different from any other method to take you out of your physical process and it does so in the most direct method which is to remind you that you are the reality behind your memory and experience of living existence. But to understand the process of liberation from past attachments we need to understand what a traumatic mindset is and the principles of liberation.

Traumatic mindsets

A traumatic mindset is any mental, emotional, or psychological state which takes you out of your natural state of mindfulness and Core Being or goes against your Principle (as per the Principle and the Process, the third universal principle in the second component). You enter into a traumatic mindset when you identify as a physical form.

There are five traumatic mindsets which arise out of the belief that the Ego is real or the same as Core Being.

Lust is a fundamental motivation or desire to either objectify, dehumanize, fetishize, sexualize or abuse yourself, someone else or something else for the purposes of gratification, personal fulfillment, personal gain, personal advantage or personal profit which is achieved non-consensually. Understand is also any desire or motivation to seek or gain control or an advantage over another living being or human for the false illusion of power, authority or control.
Enmity is a fundamental motivation or desire to destroy, harm, abuse, cause damage, create division, create or cause suffering, pain, loss, hardship, separate, maim, injure, or even kill another living being or human, use force against them.
Apathy is a fundamental motivation or desire to separate self from other and reinforce separateness through thinking, communication and action or unthinking, non-communication and inaction so as to avoid connection, disconnect or remain indifferent or passive from other and one's environment on the basis of environmental ignorance.
Worry is a fear based traumatic mindset which takes in anxiety, doubt, societal indifference, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of other people, self-doubt, a lack of self-confidence, a fear of other people's opinions or reactions, fear of being found out, general insecurity, and through this mindset you are unable to be in a state of mindfulness or focus your conscious attention on anything because you are ruminating and preoccupied by whatever is causing you to worry, be anxious or fearful.
Sceptical doubt
There is thinking, there is feeling, there is even breathing, communication and interaction but the mind is well and truly closed and fixated on an ideological or philosophical belief which forms the basis for reality. This is the traumatic mindset of the small-minded individual who is attached to separateness, Ego and belief cycles who is unable to perceive or recognize either reality or truth. This can be a transient, temporary mindset just as much as it can be a permanent unchanging mindset.

Liberation from a traumatic mindset requires a process developed out of RAIN methodology which is based on non-attachment.

RAIN Methodology


RAIN methodology is a simple universal tool or technique to recover from a traumatic mindset or move past an unpleasant social encounter or relationship if it's someone else who has the traumatic mindset. RAIN is of course spelled 'R-A-I-N' and is called such as to be a simple mnenomic device to help you remember the four steps.

Things you need to take into account

Before we get into the four simple steps there are a few things you need to take into consideration and keep in mind:

  • Trauma is always environmental but suffering is individual. Much of what suffering is all about is attachment to physical form and identification with physical form. Suffering is disruption of process and resistance to change. Suffering is what locks you into the trauma and creates further trauma. What negates suffering and attachment is motion and change. Liberation lies in motion and change.
  • Using RAIN is all about translating sensation and experience into language to create a narrative or story, based on drama, to facilitate motion and change. Using RAIN does not completely negate trauma nor does it make you impervious to trauma, because trauma is new karma and new process. In order to negate the trauma of a traumatic mindset you need conscious insight and a change or shift in your conscious awareness and the only way you can achieve that is through language, drama and narratives.
  • In order to become free from a traumatic mindset or past trauma you need to find a way of breaking out of your existing thought patterns, belief cycles, and you can only do this by going through a process of individuation - exploration, experimentation, learning and discovery - by being connected to your environment and focussing on something that is not you. This process of individuation is always the motion and change necessary to develop insight and conscious awareness. Liberation through change and motion is what brings you back to reality and mindfulness.
The first step is to recognize that you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. How are you identifying with your mindset? Is your identification physical so that you are either identifying with your experience or identifying as being separate from your experience? Is your identification based on a physical attachment?
The next step is to accept that you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. It happens to the best of us.
If someone else is going through a traumatic mindset and you're the object or target of their nastiness or toxicity then the very last thing you do is engage them in some sort of conflict or try to change their mind. This will only escalate the situation. Simply remove yourself from the situation and move on as best you can. You have enough of your own karma to deal with without taking on anyone else's karma.
The next step is to investigate how come you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. What is triggering it? What is motivating it? What was going on before the traumatic mindset developed? What's the story? What was the action or event (karma) out of which the traumatic mindset arose? Learn to dig deep into yourself or other people to get to the narrative and backstory. Don't give up until you have what you feel or sense to be the truth.
Liberation from a traumatic mindset and resolution of karma comes from non-identifying and non-attachment as a physical form - belief attachments, ideologies, outcomes, images, point scoring, and moral reasoning. You are not a physical object or being, you are not your body, your mind, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts, your words, or your actions. All this is process. You are Core Being and the reality behind the process. You are here to experience the universe, this planet, life, and to be happy. This is your reality.

As you can see RAIN methodology is what helps you to develop the insight, conscious awareness and individuation process to move on from any traumatic mindset. This response needs to be initiated from within and expressed outwards into an environment through a Figure of Eight. Through RAIN you are developing the language necessary for rituals and dream weaving practice. Without this process of developing conscious awareness and individuation through language and insight no ritual is going to work.

An introduction to magic rituals

Creative Law

The basis for any ritual through Unmind is Creative Law, specifically the Creative Cycle in the centre of the meme. You will notice that the four stages of any creative process start from perception and cycle through inspiration, conception and interaction. Any creative process is based on cycles - the Creative Cycle - over and over and over again, each cycle different from the previous cycle and also different to the next.

Please keep in mind that the cycle always starts and ends with perception and this is important to understand when it comes to dream weaving and dream weaving activity. Inspiration always comes from somewhere other than you. It comes from environment and other so therefore there needs to be a connection between you and your environment and other. As much of what life is about in modern cultural and social terms is society and other people and how you connect to them, it is necessary prior to any dream weaving activity to connect to both environment and community. For this reason there is the Qultura community through which one can develop a Qultura method through dream weaving practice.

The fundamental stages for any ritual

The fundamental stages for any magic ritual are the following four stages which correspond to the Creative Cycle. These are:

  • intention
  • method
  • content (spell)
  • delivery

As you can see we are basing our rituals on what is known as 'first principles' - Creative Law is a first principle and equivalent to Natural Law. So we need to take on board the first principle of magic which is based on Creative Law and Natural Law.

The First Principle of Magic

Any energy expressed outwards into an environment will always invariably come back to you. It may come back lesser, it may come back tenfold, but it will always come back to you.

How this works out is this... To the degree that you identity yourself with a physical form you yourself will be identified by others as that physical form. This is the basis of how society and the wider community works. Many people are identified and think of themselves in the physical duality defined by authority (external) and Ego. Most people are clinging to a conceptual image of themselves and other people, they identify as man, woman, by their jobs, by their religious or political beliefs, by their economic status and social class, and so on and so forth. Just a mass or collection of different labels and identities.

Dream weaving cannot work from the position of Ego or some other physical identity. The way you perceive yourself is never going to be the same as how other people perceive you so there is no connection between self and other. You have to get behind whatever role you're identifying as and come into Core Being and get into Principle and Process. You need to be the reality and space behind your process to connect to other. Process is just the story and the narrative you're telling yourself and other people.

The Fire Ritual


You develop a Fire sign ritual to gather and harness energy from others in the Qultura community through dreamweaving so as to do your spiritual process through the Water sign ritual. You can also develop the same ritual in any social environment. Please keep in mind that energy arises out of consciousness. Energy and physicality never arises out of space. People who die never come back to life. Physical objects don't just suddenly manifest out of empty space. But inspiration always arises out of the environment in the form of consciousness.

The Fire sign ritual is based on the mystical principles of the three Fire signs of the zodiac (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), which gives you the following ritual:

Intention (Aries) - 1, the mystical principle of unity through consciousness
The mystical principle is symbolized by the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, a cardinal Fire sign, associated with Mars, the planet of action, and in the Tarot by The Magician in the Major Arcana. Therefore your intention needs to be to connect to other people in some way in the community through consciousness - which means either creativity, or empathy, or both.

Method (Leo) - 5, the mystical principle of creativity, drama, and authority
The mystical principle of Five is symbolized by the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo which is a fixed Fire sign, and also in the Tarot by the Hierophant in the Major Arcana. You need to be connecting to others in the community doing things you really enjoy and love doing, things that you're good at and what other people appreciate you doing for them.

Content (Sagittarius) - 9, the mystical principle of truth
The mystical principle of Nine is symbolized by the ninth sign of the zodiac Sagittarius which is a mutable Fire sign. You're never going to be able to connect to anyone unless they trust you, because trust is the foundation of a connection together with empathy. Therefore whatever connection you seek with others needs to be based on you sharing your individual truth and narratives or stories through which you share your individual perspective on life.

Delivery - 13, the mystical principle of change
There's no astrological sign which symbolizes 13 of course because there's only 12 signs of the zodiac, which is symbolized in the Tarot by Death from the Major Arcana. You need to come into the community seeking change or a new experience for both yourself and others in the community.

Compare this to any social gathering where people identify with their process and believe themselves to be nothing more than a role playing character in their individual stories. This is what Ego development is really all about. You're constantly repeating yourself over and over again "This is who I am. This is who I am. This is who I am." This is what struggling for self-esteem and self-worth is really all about. You're constantly looking for confirmation from other people through their belief in your story and the character you're role playing and identifying as.

Indeed this brings us back to the basic social contact.

"I will make believe that you are who you think you are if you make believe I am who I think I am."

The fundamental principle of unity in the Qultura community is that we are all individual human beings each with our own unique, individual process and ways of dealing with the vast amounts of bullshit and role playing that we have to go through simply by being part of "society".

The Water Ritual


You develop a Water sign ritual to develop consciousness and create truth on your own to form the basis of a Fire sign ritual which you can do both within the Qultura community or with other people in your life or social environment. This ritual is designed to work against trauma, suffering and struggles.

The Water sign ritual is based on the mystical principles of the three Water signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), which gives you the following ritual:

Intention (Cancer) - 4, the mystical principle of foundation and cardinal direction
The mystical principle is symbolized by the fourth sign of the zodiac Cancer, associated with the Moon and also in the Tarot by the Emperor. Please keep in mind that you're digging up past memories of experiences wheer you were traumatized, hurt, suffering, and stuff you feel bad about.

Method (Scorpio) - 8, the mystical principle of meta-physical power
The mystical principle of Eight is symbolized by the 8th sign of the zodiac Scorpio and it associated planet Pluto, as well as in the Tarot by the card Strength. You have complete control over your past because it's just in your head, your memories. This is where you use the RAIN method to let go of your trauma from the past, and also, in so doing your fears and anxieties about the future. The only thing that matters in your life is the here and now and the truth you can share with others in the present moment. What you're seeking here is a narrative, something to share with others.

Content (Pisces) - 12, the mystical principle of karma
The mystical principle of Twelve is symbolized by the twelth sign of the zodiac Pisces which is a mutable Water sign, associated with Neptune, and in the Tarot by The Hanged Man. You're never going to resolve any karma or recover or heal from past trauma unless you accept yourself completely and let go of all attachments to beliefs, fears and desires and completely trust yourself and believe in yourself totally.

Intention (Cancer) - 4, the mystical principle of foundation and cardinal direction
Which brings us right back to the beginning of the cycle where the end is also the beginning. There is no need to judge yourself, blame yourself, or hold yourself up to any arbitrary or illusory societal standards. You are who you are, your life is what it is, but it is your past, your story and your individual truth together what makes you the unique and fascinating individual human being who you are today. What you are seeking here is truth, new consciousness, new insight, new perspective.

You do this by a process called 'first witnessing'. When you identify as Core Being or Principle you can witness yourself in role play as Ego in the process of your life. All you need to do is accept that you are Core Being and Ego is essentially the character or role you're playing for the comfort and convenience of other people, organizations and authority figures such as The Government. If you can identify as Core Being which of course doesn't need any statement because it's the reality of how you've been living all along, you can find ways of not being so caught up and attached to your process.