
Universal Principles

This is the second component of Qultura methodology. It's made up of four universal principles.

Creative Law

Creative Law

Creative Law is the universal principle of energy in relationship to both consciousness and space. Energy is constant, cannot be created or destroyed, and is the basis for all physicality and physical form.

By contrast consciousness and space are infinite and cannot be defined, understood, or explained. However relative to energy consciousness and space is spontaneous, random, and multi-dimensional.

There are four different aspects to Creative Law


Incarnation can be defined as coming into existence through physical form. There are three core principles of incarnation:

  • Uniqueness and individuality in physical form
  • Relativity and connectedness to everything else in existence
  • Duality and polarity through its impermanence and physicality (cyclicity)

These principles of existence apply to everything with physical form irrespective of whether something is animate (living) or inanimate.

Energy spectrum

All energy can be defined by its wavelength, frequency, and relationship to both consciousness and space. This means that energy exists on a spectrum between the polar opposites of trauma and drama.

The higher the frequency of energy and shorter the wavelength, the closer energy is relative to space and the more traumatic the energy is.
The lower the frequency of energy and longer the wavelength, the closer energy is relative to consciousness and the more dramatic the energy is.

Please keep in mind that traumatic energy is based on force and escalates in frequency. Trauma is the only force in the universe and the start of any process of creativity and interaction. Trauma is therefore what creates karma, and karma is any physical activity based on any process of creativity and interaction.

Traumatic energy can only be negated by dramatic energy, and force can only be countered by an absence of force.

Living existence is only possible through a sufficiently close relationship between consciousness and energy to create life and individual autonomy through the mystical transaction. All life is manifest through extremely low frequencies of energy with lengthy cycles which define the life cycle of an individual organism.

Time perception

Time perception is simply a measurement of physical activity or a cycle against it's spatial environment against which we measure such things as speed, effort, levels of difficulty, and so on. Perception of time is always inverse to the Energy Spectrum, which means that:

The more traumatic the energy or experience the slower time will appear to pass.
The more dramatic the energy or experience the quicker time will appear to pass.

It's important to understand that actual time perception is always made against the life cycle of natural energy, which means that traumatic life experiences shorten the life cycle through burning up more natural energy, whereas more dramatic life experiences prolong the life cycle and conserve natural energy. By how much is a mystery because a human life cycle is never fixed or predetermined.


The cyclicity of energy cycles relative to consciousness and space is only possible through reincarnation - which simply means repeated incarnations into physical form through a process of creativity and interaction - which in terms of Creative Law and Qultura methodology means a great deal more than just life after death. Life and death are inseparable aspects of existence through the experience which is commonly understood to be life and therefore reincarnation is relative to karma (physical activity) and part of the manifestation of consciousness and space through physical form and activity.

All existence is based on pulsation (alternating between existence and non-existence) and vibrations of energy waves.

The Triangular Relationship

tree fog

The Triangular Relationship is a universal principle based on the different forms of reality you experience. Learning to be able to differentiate the two is fundamental to being in a state of mindfulness and being able to create truth.

If you read the insight about self and other and relationship you will know that consciousness and space are the fundamentally the same thing. In terms of Qultura methodology consciousness is defined as existence and space as non-existence and reality. Therefore space is the reality which defines consciousness and existence.

The mystical transaction

You are always relative to an environment both in terms of actual reality (the universe, this planet, your physical body) and conceptual reality (social background, culture, society) therefore you are always connected to both.

The environment is always the totality and is always multi-dimensional while the individual is always reflective of the totality and environment.

The mystical transaction is based on equanimity because that what exists is connected through non-existence and space which defines the reality of its existence, and reality is defined by everything that's in existence and also in relationship with space.

Existence is always defined by reality and space (non-existence) and reality is always defined by the totality of everything in existence which can only be defined as environment.

The felt sense of immediate experience

Your life experience is defined by the felt sense of immediate experience which is your experience of the totality of your environment in the present moment in time.

Reality only exists in the present moment which means that time flows outwards through memory (time perception) from your Principle into possibility. This means that both the future and past are conceptual and you can only relate to either the past or the future as a thought in the present moment.

The Principle & the Process

tree fog

The Principle and the Process is the third universal principle of Qultura methodology and is considered the foundation out of all the four universal principles. This is simply because you cannot perceive either existence or life from anything other than the perspective of an individual human being.

This is the 'yogic' universal principle because it is based on yoga and the Vedic texts of Hinduism. Unlike the Ego, which is a conceptual perspective of Self which is based on a belief in the false illusion of separateness between Self and environment and Self and other, the Principle and the Process is based on the exact same principles as Natural Law.

The only thing which defines you as a human being is your physical form which can be defined as Process. Consider that what is individual and what is environment is completely arbitrary and cannot be clearly defined. If you consider that 'environment' is different things together in relationship then it becomes apparent that:

  • your mind is an environment for your memory, your sensory nervous system, the Felt Sense of Immediate Experience, your perception of your environment, your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings, and so on.
  • your body is an environment for your body cells, organs, blood, skin, hair, bones and so on.
  • your senses together are an environment through which you create the sensations coming from your perception and conception, not just primary senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste but other senses such as pain, hunger, discomfort, and extrasensory perception.

There are three aspects to the Principle and the Process.


Your principle is the sum total of consciousness across all different planes and levels in the present moment in time This includes:

  • your focus of conscious attention
  • your conscious awareness
  • your subconscious

Your Principle is who you really are in the present moment and it has no physical form. Therefore your Principle is not subject to time nor is it subject to physical death. Your Principle is also known as Core Being in terms of Unmind.

You create and express your individual truth out of your Principle.


Your Process is everything about you which has physical form, which includes:

  • your physical body
  • your sensory nervous system
  • your brain and memory
  • your Ego and conceptual perception of self and other
  • your thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, etc

Your Process is based on your physicality and energy. It is impermanent, in a state of constant change, and is subject to physical death and reincarnation.


Your mind is the space or environment in which you exist. Mind is your connection to environment and exists all around you. Everything that you can perceive and become aware of is coming at you through mind, and everything that you can conceive and put into language is also expressed through mind. Mind is therefore the environment for your existence and being.

Primary social interaction

tree fog

Primary social interaction is the fourth of the four universal principles of Qultura methodology. This is the universal principle of relationship of environment from an individual human perspective.

The central human reference point for existence and life is through language and cultural awareness. You are always relative to an environment and environment here means both a natural environment and a social environment.

You are always subject to the mystical transaction between you and your environment. You are just as relative to this planet and the universe as you are to other human beings, Nature, and the entire human species.

You are only as consciously aware in the present moment as you are able to express through language and individual truth. Truth is always individual and is relative to both individual perception and individual perspective (your Principle or Core Being). You cannot be any more enlightened, mindful or consciously aware than your individual truth or Principle.

In order to become more consciously aware or to evolve through primary social interaction you need to be mindful and connected to both your natural and social environment. Please understand that the four qualities of primary social interaction apply to the relationship and nature of the social interaction.

This specific universal principle forms the basis of Unmind and dream weaving activities.