
What is dream weaving?

Words are powerful - very powerful. Understand that language is the central human reference point for all existence. We also have very powerful memory and equally powerful imagination. This is what sets us apart from all the other species of primates and most of the animal kingdom. We are able to use mythology and concepts in order to communicate with one another and this is why the development of human culture is central to our survival on this planet.

This is essentially why you get older people in their 50's still hurting over things that were said to them in their teenage years. I come from a background of abuse in my family, and it took me many years to work through the trauma. This is fundamentally how I came to enter into training in Theravada Buddhism at the age of 17. I was a seriously fucked up teenager. Babu, who set me on the shamanistic path I took through life did so because he convinced me that, after some initiation into eastern cosmology, convinced me that with effort and dedication I could share a gift with other people who are hurting somewhere deep inside. Otherwise I would have been labelled, judged, stigmatized, and would have died in my early 20's.

You see it's almost as if our memories and the way we use language is far too powerful for us as a species, Sure the ability to use mythology, symbolism, concepts, such as God, sets us apart from the other species, but it doesn't change the fact that by and large human beings are pretty bad at using our memories and imagination.

But see our inability to use language and our memories and imagination anywhere close to our potential - and this is vast - affects us all to varying degrees. We all go through a process of socialization from pretty much when we are born until we become young adults and are considered sufficiently mature to be let loose around others in society. The socialization is necessary to make us easier to deal with. School teaches us how to think to some degree, how to use language, numbers, and gives us a decent starting point to understand society and what it's all about - as do our parents.

But we are all to some degree traumatized by our process of socialization. Even if you did well at school and had loving parents, you can still be badly traumatized from a broken relationship or even an abusive one. Most people still wear the scars from break ups in their teens and early 20's. This I want to mention and bring to mind because there's a polarity involved here which will help you understand what dream weaving is all about.

Creative Law

It was while I was working in theatre in Poland that started to become fascinated by the fact that my drama workshops were quite successful at alleviating such traumatic issues as addiction and mental health issues. I even created a small theatre from a bunch of addicts and the mentally ill and as far as I'm aware, that theatre still exists. It bugged me. It also caused me to question Buddhism.

It wasn't until after I had completed my Forest Tradition that I figured it out. Back at the time I was creating a new theory of modern drama, full of spontaneity, improvisation, and generally fooling around. I was still trying to figure out how I could get a bunch of people who had never even been inside a theatre to go out on stage after workshops lasting several weeks and perform like professional actors.

Then it hit me. Trauma is the solitary force in the universe which forces change on us. It's not so much what we achieve in our social roles which makes us individual. It's our experiences with trauma - the heartaches, the broken friendships, the shouting and yelling, the social conflicts, the falling out, and the other issues we come to experience from other people.

But do you know what negates Trauma? Drama. Trauma and drama are two polarities in the creative cycle - which hopefully now you can understand from the Creative Law meme above. Trauma creates disorder, chaos, death, pain, and other nasty things. Trauma is force and violence and what takes us back to equilibrium, balance and flow is drama.

dream weaving

Dream weaving is literally the 'weaving together' of different thoughts, emotions, experiences, memories, ideas, notions, memories and stories together to create new reality and new truth. It's a process of developing consciousness which is both magical and dramatic. Magic is any connection between an individual and their environment.

What you're doing is developing connections between memory, environment, mind and past trauma, as per the illustration.

The best example to illustrate how dream weaving works is when we watch a movie or go see a stage play. We watch the actors perform a story playing characters and for the time we are watching the movie, we believe that what is happening in the movie is real and we are witnessing the actors as if we are with them in person. Most good acting is magical in nature, and there's a very strong sense of connection between actor and audience.

See all abuse and social stigma arises out of ignorance and a lack of conscious awareness. Qultura methodology is a set of mystical principles arranged into four components which can give you a different state of consciousness in a short period of time. When you have increased conscious awareness, and you understand the basic mystical principles of what's going on around you, you no longer have to cling to your beliefs and you're much close to being able to understand reality and create truth.

Once you've increased on developed your conscious awareness, you perceive things differently, you think differently, you interact and communicate differently with others, and using hindsight and memory from your past social conditioning you are in a position to strip away all your unnecessary attachments, beliefs, half-baked notions and cultural and social assumptions.

Now do you see what dream weaving is all about?