
What is Qultura?

Existence is a principle. Creativity and interaction is a process. This is all you need to understand about existence at its simplest level - the principle and the process. This is the how and what of existence. Asking "What?" gives you a principle of a state of being. Asking "How?" gives you a process. Everything in existence has its own Principle and Process. The universe, this planet, every tree, every animal, every plant and every human being. You have your own Principle and Process.

This is the foundation of Qultura. Qultura has two aspects - Qultura methodology and the Qultura community. It's a complete system for development of conscious awareness through dream weaving.

Qultura methodology

Qultura methodology is composed of mystical principles arranged into four components. It is not intended to be a complete method or a belief system (which defeats the whole point) but is a methodology in 'kit form' with four components. This is to avoid the assumption that by understanding all the mystical principles you will understand all of reality and existence. Not true. It exists for you to be able to figure out your own Principle and Process relative to everything else.

The four components are:

  • Natural Law

    Natural Law is based on dependent arising and karma. Karma is the basis of physical existence, being both memory and action, as in action, reaction and interaction. This is a fairly challenging component for some people so I've separated out the basic principle of dependent arising which you should find in the FAQs.

  • Universal Principles

    Universal Principles is the second component and the simplest of all four components. It's four universal principles of human existence. It is roughly similar to Natural Law but contains both Creative Law and the Principle and Process on which the entire methodology is based. This was the first component to be completed in 2012 and for a couple of years was the whole methodology.

  • Combined Numerology

    Combined Numerology, as its name suggests, is the numerological component. While our words may be powerful our environment does not 'speak' back to us. To understand our environment and reality we have to get into numbers. If not mathematics, then it has to be numerology. This is an essential component to understand cycles of events, sequences, recognize rhythms and patterns, and such things as dates, occurrences, and the symbolism behind certain numbers in culture.

  • Unmind

    Unmind is the fourth and final component. This is both fairly practical and magical. This is what sets you up for dream weaving practice and activity. If you are uninitiated it will be challenging to grasp this component and this should always be your last component after becoming familiar with the other three components.

You can find the complete methodology not only in the 'Principle and Process' e-book, but it is also accessible on the Qultura website, Qultura Core website, and the four components are also accessible to you in the footer below on this website.

The Qultura community

You come into the Qultura community to develop your individual Qultura methods through dream weaving activity with other members of the Qultura community. You develop a Qultura method on the basis of your own Principle and Process, memories and life experiences. This is why the claim that Qultura methodology is similar to Taoism is inaccurate. The only similarity is that Qultura does not explain reality nor does it really have a cosmology or an explanation for existence. But what makes it different is that no two Qultura methods should ever be the same or even alike, even if they're developed by the same person. Therefore you cannot claim to be a 'Qulturist', which is ridiculous. If there's no connection between you and your environment and community, then your Qultura method doesn't exist.

The whole point of developing a Qultura method is to become 'real' in the sense that you understand Self in the fullest possible meaning and associate yourself with your Principle or conscious perspective which has no physical form. This means that you talk your talk, walk your walk, and live your individual truth. You understand that Ego is just process, mere role play, and you no longer get caught up in all the psychological mind games and other bullshit which other people believe is real. Developing a Qultura method is designed to be the simple and direct route to a conscious lifestyle and conscious living.

Additional resources

In support of Qultura methodology you have not just my blog posts but also eight e-books including 'The Principle and the Process' which you can find out more about in E-books & resources.