
What are the five dimensions of life?

The five dimensions of life or living existence are fundamental to understanding the different levels and planes of consciousness we all on exist on. Awareness of these dimensions is directly relative to dependent arising. If you can grasp both these concepts you will develop above average mystical awareness, be capable of polar thinking, and be set up to learn Qultura methodology and get involved in dream weaving.

The five dimensions of living existence

  • Mass & matter

    The first dimension is physical mass and biological matter. This is the dimension which supports living existence. If there was no planet then no life is possible and similarly, if there was no physical body then also life would not be possible.

  • Sensation

    Then you have physical sensation, or sense, otherwise known as the Felt Sense of Immediate Experience. This takes in your thoughts, emotions and feelings, which are all essentially sensations. Likewise your senses, which are all based on touch and connection to either environment or other are also sensations. Doesn't matter whether we're talking about touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste, hunger, pain, balance, and all the other senses, we're still talking about sensations.

  • Energies

    By energies I'm referring to the different energies which make up relationship and karma (or Process), for example light energy, sound energy, heat energy, life force and other energies which are flowing through you at various frequencies from your environment. This dimension is what is known as the mystical transaction. The simpest possible example of the mystical transaction is of course breathing.

  • Consciousness & space

    Then you have the next dimension, which is consciousness and space. This is where we're now into meta-physics - 'meta' means 'beyond', so meta-physical means 'beyond the physical' and such awareness is taken to be conscious awareness.

  • Akasha

    Then finally we have the final dimension which is Akasha, or spirit, or aether, which permeates the whole of existence and the universe. Akasha is also known as Self in the broadest possible sense and the 'ground of being'. (Somewhere lost in my blog posts is a post on the ground of being).

If you're interested in becoming familiar with levels of reality and planes of existence you might be interested in reading my blog post entitled How to find the real you.