prohramming code

Your life is code

I've previously stated that there is no such thing as either free will or determinism. Okay so if there is no free will and no such thing as determinism, then what is there? This is quite simple. You are a highly complex but programmable individual experiencing life as an experience of an environment, biology and relationship. So what is it that determines the exact nature and outcome of your life? Quite simply, it's code.

In order for you to understand where I'm coming from and because I'm not a public figure, I need to give you a brief summary of my background and experience so you understand where I'm coming from. I'm neither an academic or scientist. In fact at school my grades in science weren't remarkable and it wasn't something I was interested in. Instead I went into the occult and mysticism and also entered training as a Buddhist shaman. However I'm self-educated and studied magic, consciousness and mysticism for the past 40 years. However it was around 25-30 years earlier when I developed a keen interest and aptitude for sciences. I'm just the type of person who when I want to know something I will dig, and dig, and dig, and dig, and will continue digging until I'm satisfied with my answers.

So moving on to the topic of this blog post...

Let's start with thinking about how our lives work out.

Let's make this a somewhat interactive blog post. What I want you to do is to think about your life experience and how your life has turned out. Think about the choices you've made. Think about the things you've done. Think about all the things that haven't worked out. Think about the things that have worked out. Think about the opportunities that others have given to you in life. Think about your struggles and your fears. Think about the times you've screwed up. Think about the relationships you've experienced in your life. Think about the things you've learned and also the different people who have influenced you.

Okay so now we come to my basic underlying premise. Please keep in mind that while you know something about me and who I am, I know absolutely nothing about you, who you are and your life. But what I'm fairly confident about is that there will be two core or primary characteristics about your life experience.

The first characteristic or feature of your life will be its mysticism. Keep in mind here I define mysticism as anything which is mysterious or unknown to you from your perspective. Throughout your life there will be an undercurrent of despair, failure, fear, anxiety, failure, conflict, struggle, things which you don't understand or unanswered questions. There will have been times when you have been caught out, misunderstood, when you've got the wrong end of the stick, and the times you've tried to do something and failed. All this is a coninuous characteristic or feature of your life.

Then there will be a second characteristic or feature, and that is the things which you have learned, accomplished, discovered, worked out, and on the basis of that what you have managed to figure out and learn you will have developed a lifestyle which is cyclical, regular, and organized. Your 'normal' lifestyle is based on a vast multitude of cycles. You will have your routines. You will have your habits. You will have your interests. You will have your work or some activity which you consider yourself good at. You will have your daily cycle. The time you go to bed. The time you wake up in the morning. When you like to eat.

If you are with me so far and my basic premise holds true for you, then it should be fairly obvious that you are individual human being who is totally programmable. It should also (hopefully) become clear that what you call your individual choices and free will isn't free will at all but something completely different. What you might find, and buy into, is that most of your life experience is determined by code - code which you cannot understand or figure out completely - and the difference between success and failure is whether or not you are able to figure out the immediate code from a specific situation or set of circumstances.


Why believing in free will or determinism doesn't make any sense

I have my reasons why free will and determinism doesn't make any sense. Let's start simple with determinism. For anything to be determined it's got to be fixed, complete, and unchanging. This contradicts much of the reality we experience, both actual reality and conceptual reality, which is predicated entirely upon change and relationship. But neither is there free will because free will simply isn't possible. Life is an experience of an environment and biology. If there really was such a thing as free will you would be able to think and behave in ways which are independent of both your environment and your biology. You would also have to discount memory and karma. You would also have to discount the existence of consciousness and also discount a lot of science. I've yet to come across any theory of free will which makes any sense.

Now to construct my argument or expand on my premise here I'm going to have to arrange it in bullet points. This is because I'm giving you different reasons rather than following a logical argument and buying into the illusion of cause and effect. Instead I'm going to rely on synchronicity which means that the reasons might not have any logical connection with each other, but together they should make sense. Please keep in mind that from my perspective this for me is a shift in consciousness. It seems profound, but it probably isn't. I've spent months thinking about this and also doing some research, then I have to find a way of putting it into words and giving it some kind of framework and reference point. Let's see.

  • Whether or not God exists isn't the issue

    Given the fact that God or some supreme force of divine creation exists in our collective consciousness and cultural awareness I'm going to start here. As many people follow some religion or religious belief I feel I need to start here.

    Nobody can say with any certainty whether or not God exists. Obviously God exists as a concept, in that we have a conceptual awareness of God or some God figure, whether we actually call it God, Allah, Jehovah, Jah, Brahma, or whatever. So okay, we then have to think about why God or such a concept exists.

    Well very much like vipassana meditation, God is a tool for the expansion of the mind and consciousness. Even if you think God is some figure of divine authority, any belief in God has some value in suppressing your belief in free will. Where you begin to come unstuck is when you get into morality and the duality of good and evil. This is because you get caught up in relativity and moral relativism.

    Therefore far from being nonsense, religion is a tool which can be used to learn code. It does not matter which religion you choose, it's still a tool which can be used to figure out code in your life experience. Do you need to use a religion to figure out code? No, you don't.

  • The significance of numbers

    If you want to understand your environment then you have to make numbers significant in your life. This is because numbers are the only link between conceptual reality and actual reality. The basis of the universe and nature is code, but see, our central human reference point for life and existence is language.

    This means ideally you need to take an interest in mathematics because that puts you at an advantage. If you are unable to become fascinated with mathematics, because you're like me, and have no aptitude for mathematics, then numerology is a viable alternative. Please also keep in mind that code is also usually based on numbers.

    Either way, to be able to figure out code in your life, you're going to have to make numbers significant. This is because it helps you to recognize patterns, rhythms, and sequences.

  • The environment creates, the individual (organism) grows

    Life, all life, is predicated entirely upon an environment and relationship. If there is no environment, then no life is possible. Consider that if free will existed, we would be able to live on other planets. But see, we can't. Please also keep in mind that environment and relationship go hand in hand.

    First you have your relationship with your environment, i.e. the mystical transaction. This is the same as your relationship with your biology, i.e. your physical body simply because when you see your body as an entire living organism, what you have is what can be seen as a biological environment. Environment here means many different things together coexisting in relationship. Which of course brings us to relationship. You are also relative to everything (and everyone) in your environment.

  • The I-Ching

    Another plank in my argument is the existence of the I-Ching. The story of the I-Ching, developed some 3,500 years ago in the East by sages and mystics, is a fascinating story, not least because it is the first ever mapping out of human thinking.

    This all started out in a desert when it was determined that sand dunes were created by weather patterns and the wind. Then somehow - and I don't know how - these sages and mystics figured out that there were 64 patterns of DNA code reoccurring repeatedly throughout Nature (biology). This was all arranged into a system of divination called cleromancy, with six numbers between six and nine arranged into hexes of broken and unbroken lines, which was called The King Wen Sequence.

    Traditionally to get a reading you had to toss yarrow sticks which fell in a pattern. You looked at the pattern and then looked up that pattern in the I-Ching to arrive at an interpretation. However you can also use coins, and today you have various I-Ching applications accessible on a smartphone.

    Today, more than 3,500 years later, the I-Ching forms the basis for all digital technology and also code.

  • The existence of karma

    Karma is a Sanskrit word which means quite literally 'action', as in action, reaction and interaction. It's essentially the fundamental principle of relationship and relativity. This is also a very major plank in my argument. Understanding karma and relationship dependency is fundamental to understanding Natural Law or Universal Law. It is also fundamental to understanding what reincarnation is really all about and the whole sequence of life, death and rebirth is a tiny, tiny, miniscule fraction of what reincarnation is all about.

    But see karma isn't just about action, reaction and interaction. It's also about memory. It's also about choices and consequences. It's also about possibility, opportunity and I would even go as far to to state that to some extent it's also about luck.

    We've known about karma as humans for thousands of years. Therefore the subject of karma is one big complicated mess. There are many different interpretations of karma. In an effort to simplify the whole subject of karma I have broken it down into four types of karma:

    1. Past karma - this is essentially memory and all the factors which determine your actions, thinking and so on in the present moment.
    2. Direct karma - this is the karma relative to self, where your choices and actions become consequences which determine your perception of future possibilities and opportunities.
    3. Relationship karma - the karma which arises from interaction and relationship.
    4. Flow karma - the karma you need to create from other forms of karma to ensure that your life experience flows.
  • Methods of divination (divining)

    In order to understand what I'm about to write about methods of divination I need to give you an insight into how your life being code plays out. Back at the end of my living in Poland, back in 2005, I translated a hackers manual for the Linux system Fedora Core from Polish into English. This was my last major translation between Polish and English. It was a manual for hackers to crack or break codes which means that it was essentially about cyber security.

    Now all cracking or breaking code is essentially all about figuring out code either to learn it and become familiar with it, or to identify flaws in the code and system. If you're a bank the very last thing you need to be putting out there is flawed code it's going to result in fraud, banking errors, missing transactions, lawsuits and angry customers. Therefore the manual I was translating was really about that second level of coding and programming which is crucial to cyber security.

    Therefore your life is all about figuring out 'natural' code from your environment and relationships. Your ability to figure out code from your environment and relationships is wholly predicated on your 'internal' code or the patterns of neurons you are able to fire off in your brain and prefrontal cortex.

    So finally we come to the point about divination in a way which makes sense. Understand that the whole point of divination is for you to figure out the answers to the questions you're asking. The method of divination is not important. Even the reading or interpretation isn't important. It doesn't matter whether we're talking about runes, biorhythms, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, tea leaves or astrology, all the information you're seeking comes from within you, and not from anywhere else which is not you. The whole point of divination is to make you think.

  • Scientific insight

    As I've stated previously, or the basic premise of my argument is that all life and existence is based on code. This means that life is lawful in nature. Irrespective of the discipline, all science is all about figuring out code to establish laws. Any law is essentially code which is figured out and applicable in all perceptible instances.

    Keep in mind that when I talk about scientific insight and trusting the science, I'm referring explicitly to science that is modern, newly developed and relevant. It should stand to reason that no matter how much you believe in Newtonian physics, Masters and Johnson or Darwinism you're not going to get anything of value out of it, and it's likely to distort your perspective and mess you up in the head.

Now what I'm hoping is that you can somehow make the connections between all the points above and arrive at a fairly cohesive and comprehensive interpretation of life and existence which does not require any belief in free will, determinism, morality, accountability or personal responsibility. This will all become relevant shortly.


The Pizza Example

Now we're going to look at a situation which involves plenty of variables and the making of various choices. Let's say you decide to have pizza. Well first off you're going to have to decide where you're getting your pizza from. Probably you have somewhere in your home, or mailbox, a pizza leaflet and menu. So having located the pizza establishment from where you're going to get the pizza, you now have to decide whether you're going to collect the pizza or have it delivered. Let's make it easy for you and go for delivery.

So now you have to make further choices. You have to decide what size of pizza you're ordering. Then what kind of crust? You want Chicago style or New York style? Having figured that out, you now have to decide the topping and what you want on your pizza. Thus completes the example - you have to make several choices one after the other to get your pizza.

Now putting my premises aside it would seem very obvious that you've made all those choices out of conscious intention and free will. Fine, okay. But keep in mind that you think that way on the basis of separateness and disregarding a vast multitude of variables and factors which all led you to being in that situation of deciding to eat pizza. I'm referring to factors such as a dislike of black olives, developed in your childhood, which caused you to disregard and reject having olives on your topping. You may be a vegetarian and so you avoid meat. Then you have to include your biology, your level of hunger, your emotional state, and your memory of how eating certain foods make you feel. These are just a few possible factors to give you some idea.

So your initial premise that you made all those choices on the basis of free will are now looking shaky. But if you had a significant insight into karma and the relationship between memory, choice, consequence and action, it all still makes perfect sense.

What rejection of free will really involves

So now we come to the penultimate question of "Who am I?" in life. Think about who you are as a person or human individual. Think about who you have become. Think about the course of your life and it's trajectory. Think about all the notable or memorable experiences and the people you have formed relationships with. Now if you step back and think about this, what you will arrive at is a long series of outcomes which have all mainly come out of a relationship with biology, an environment and other people. Conscious intent and free will should be so insignificant to figuring out these major life questions that it's barely worth mentioning.

Now rejection of free will and its validity is not straightforward or just that simple. There is also karma. Conscious insight no matter how brilliant it seems or how amazing is pointless if it carries no direct benefit to you and you don't know how to make use of it. This is the key difference between therapy and shamanism. A therapist offers you a solution from somewhere other than you, but a shaman draws out an answer from your own experience and conscious memory. There is no point in learning new code if you're still going to rely on the old code. This is why therapy often fails, and it's because the person who needs the therapy cannot make use of the new insight from the therapist and cannot figure out the new code.

What I'm seeking to point out here is that when you think about who you are, who you have become, and how your life has turned out, you should be able to recognize a progressive pattern of karma, a process of learning, and times in your life when you changed the code and either updated or upgraded your life to become someone new. If you think back to who you were a year ago, ten years ago or even as a teenager, while there is some thread of similarity the past you should be somewhat different to who you are now. Even the way you were living ten years previously should be different to the way you live now.

But what I also wish to point out that who you are today and how your life has turned out has all happened as a result of many different factors which have been beyond your control. These factors have been environmental, biological, social, political, and cultural and there was no way you could have ever been in control over any of these factors or influences. The only thing you will have been throughout is responsive or even - at times - reactive.

Therefore I'm also pointing out that rejection of free will comes with consequences. Some of these consequences will impact on your existing model of reality, your personal beliefs, and your worldview.

  • There is no such thing as cause and effect

    Any choice or decision you make which you transform into some action or activity has literally hundreds of different environmental, biological and even neurological factors. What was happening in your brain immediately prior to you making that choice? What was happening in the environment prior to you finding yourself in that specific situation or set of circumstances? What was going on with your hormone levels on the day you made the decision and how did that interact with your emotions? Furthermore how sensitive is your brain to the current level of hormones in your body?

    Additionally - taking into account neural plasticity - what was the actual shape of your brain and how relative was that shape to the thickness of your pre-frontal cortex? What about the belief attachments you formed during your teenage years, your adolescence and childhood? What about your assumptions and preconceived notions formed from past traumatic events in your life? What was going on with your genes and your genetic make up at that time? Just how much of your perception of your environment and circumstances was determined by your subconscious thought processes as opposed to your conscious thought patterns at that time?

    Once again there are many different factors which cannot be explained away by a belief in free will. Once again there is no getting away from the fact that - through karma - you're making a choice or decision on the basis of a consequence or outcome where all you have as a reference point is language, cultural awareness and memory. Please feel free to show me the exact cause or causal factor which directly determined your choice and I will accept that there is such a thing as cause and effect.

  • There is no such thing as personal responsibility or culpability

    Okay so let's turn our attention to the criminal justice system. My perception of the criminal justice system is shaped by the UK system, which like the US system is based on case law. You see to believe that you have free will is to also believe that you have alternatives, you have the power of choice, you're aware that you're not being coerced when making a choice or decision. There's also the notion that you fully understand the consequences of your choices and decisions.

    What I'm giving you here is the basis for the criminal justice system. Let's take the example of a trial. Did a person accused of a crime actually commit the crime? If they committed the crime, did they intend to commit the crime? Did they know what the likely consequences were going to be? Did they realize that they didn't have to do what they did? If the answer to all these questions is yes then you have guilt, culpability, personal responsibility, and it is fine to convict you and send you to prison or fine you.

    But see what nobody asks or is prepared to examine is what factors led to the conscious intent to commit the crime? See this is like the actual impact of the crime on the victim and the sequences of consequences which arise out of that impact - it is always, always, always beyond the remit of the court and the criminal justice system. This makes no sense whatsoever. Yet the criminal justice system is almost entirely dependent on the belief in free will, and the assumption that you knew what you were doing, you knew what the likely outcome was going to be, and you knew you didn't have to do it. You knew there were alternatives. Therefore the modern criminal justice system is a pathetically misguided and chronically medieval perspective on how we arrive at our choices and decisions and also the circumstances and environmental factors involved.

    Then, on top of the criminal justice system you have the phenomenon of single process prosecutions. By single process prosecutions I'm referring to prosecutions which happen outside the criminal justice system in what can only be an extra judiciary layer of the criminal justice system. Single process prosecutions usually are brought by an organization or government department and take place outside the criminal justice system and courts. If you are say caught without a TV licence, a ticket on a train, or have missed an appointment within the welfare benefits system, you incur a penalty, such as a fine or a benefit sanction. Examples of organizations which can implement single process prosecutions include the Royal Mail, the BBC, the Department of Work and Pensions, and train operating companies.

    The justice of single process prosecutions is Spanish Inquisition level or something akin to when we used to convict women for witchcraft and burn them at the stake. There is no defence, no mitigating factors, not even any inquiry or process for determining guilt or culpability. It is on the same level as when we used to believe that people with epilepsy and bipolar disorder were possessed by demons and as a result where we publicly executed them.

  • We would have to discard or let go of our concept of Ego or self

    Now what I'm going to write about here is something that is powerfully seductive and sexy when it comes to the belief in free will. We are all born with various biological features and characteristics which we had no control over. Some of us are tall. Some of us are short. Some of us are more agile and more manually dexterous than others. But what happens is that during childhood as we develop a sense of self or Ego, and a personality, we are also perceived to have talents or characteristics which are mistakenly interpreted as being part of our personality, character or nature.

    Take for example intelligence. There's a widespread and mistaken belief that some people are more intelligent and some are less intelligent. But see intelligence is your ability to acquire new conscious insight and awareness and - in the context of my argument here - your ability to figure out new code. Intelligence is something that can always be learned and it is as much environmental as it is personal. In my particular worldview a cleaner is no less intelligent than a doctor. What makes the difference is aptitude rather than intelligence.

    So what we do is that we accept the fact that biology has given us features which we had no control over. But see then, what do you do with that that you were born with? Are you going to make something of it, or are you going to squander it, waste it, and throw it all away? Do you show tenacity? Do you show self-discipline? or are you self-indulgent and lazy? This results in a massively false dichotomy that there were attributes or characteristics you were given, which are biological over which you had no control, then what you do with them is the stuff that is often explained as magic.

    This dichotomy is complete false. You see whether you show self-control and discipline, or self-indulgence, whether you have emotional regulation, are good at long term planning, whether you always miss out on opportunities, or if you never miss an opportunity, in all these cases it is rooted very firmly in karma and neurobiology. There's a part of the brain called the frontal cortex which has a lot to do with whether you're going to make the right decisions at various points in your life when confronted with a more tempting alternative. Then you have the whole mystical transaction and karma and your ability to both resolve karma and create new karma.

    Keep in mind that the relationship between your frontal cortex and karma is especially close. Much of your conscious awareness is environmental but you need a functioning brain and a frontal cortex to perceive it and a memory to recall it. Your frontal cortex is developed not just by what happens in yoiur life but also what is happening in terms of human evolution across the entire human species.

    Please also keep in mind - and this is something I am rock solid confident about - life can only be sustained through reproduction and reincarnation. Consciousness is environmental, and energy - which is the basis of biology and physical existence - cannot be created or destroyed. What this means is that not only does the chain of interdependent mutual origin manifest through reproduction and generations of human beings, but you also pass through incarnation after incarnation, life cycle after life cycle, replicating yourself in various different biological incarnations.

    But see what happens with most people is that they think "Oh you're born with these attributes, what do you choose to do with them?" They get caught up in the illusion of free will. Truth be told this is inspirational. You look at someone who grew up in awful circumstances and yet somehow they managed to overcome lots of obstacles through extraordinary self-discipline. It's moving. It's inspiring. But what actually happened is that they lucked out at a specific point in their life and managed to learn new code out of an incredibly deep experience of despair. It's the exact same biology and science, the exact same mystical principles, It's still the impulses and neurons firing off the frontal cortex giving you that inner voice of 'Don't do it, hold out, keep going' and then finding yourself in a different set of environmental circumstances.

  • We would need to add more weight to childhood influences on adult life

    Okay so let's start with the example of a five year old child. At the age of five the socio-economic status of your parents is already significant. Furthermore - and this is also something I'm fairly confident about - you also still have two to three years left in the process of conception of that child which started at a point very early in pregnancy. Keep in mind here I'm still writing about that close relationship between the frontal cortex of the brain and karma. I'm just giving you a different perspective or a different point in that closed relationshup.

    The socio-economic status of the parents is also highly influential in how well their frontal cortex works and is a significant predictor in how their life is going to pan out, how thick the layers of the frontal cortex is going to be, and it's metabolic rate. It's also indicative of the trajectory or direction of that relationship. Now if the child is born into poverty or deprivation that child is going to have elevated levels of stress hormones compared to other children. By the age of five those increased stress hormones have a major influence in how the frontal cortex develops. At age five the child is already paying the price through the frontal cortex of having been born into the wrong set of circumstances or born into the wrong family.

    Okay so we jump forward two or three years to the conclusion of the process of conception. That same child is now seven or eight years old. The child's brain has connected with the environmental Akashic Record and on completion of the process of conception is now fully autonomous. But see the whole architecture of the brain through the frontal cortex is affected by the socio-economic status of their parents and the increased stress hormones. This factors into the past karma, now direct karma, Ego development and influences how that child is going to approach relationships both with their environment and other people.

    Now, putting aside all the free will nonsense and Calvinistic claptrap, that five year old child is already irreversibly corrupted in a social process starting from the socio-economic disadvantages of their parents. But see also the relationship that child has with their parents is also corrupted by the poverty, hardship and deprivation and this also adds an additional dimension on top of the corrupted frontal cortex and distorted perception and perspective on life. So, all you free will thinkers out there, where are the choices which are going to help that seven or eight year old child overcome their early childhood trauma, stress and fear arising from their circumstances? Eh? There are no choices simply because those choices do not exist. For me it's persistently fascinating how much all those free will thinkers - among them mainstream politicians - have complete blindness and a complete mental block when it comes to such issues as poverty, inequality, hardship and financial insecurity.

    Once again it's the exact same environment, exact same biology, exact same mystical principles. Only the context and the stage in life circumstances is different.

  • Moral reasoning makes no sense whatsoever

    This is just my opinion and perspective, but in many cases morality and moral reasoning contradicts free will and also bears no relationship whatsoever to karma. You see some people have more free will, some people have less free will, just as some people have more control over their individual circumstances while other people have no control whatsoever.

    But - get this - most people who believe in free will also believe in some objective standard of morality or moral reasoning which universally applies to everyone. But see to have an objective standard of morality you also need an objective universally applicable perception of life and reality and this is where you begin to understand that morality and a moral compass is rooted quite firmly in determinism. So what you have is a lot of people who on the one hand believe in free will, but on the other hand they also believe in determinism. This is a lot of people and few if any can see the contradiction in these two major components of their model of reality.

    I'm not sure about you, but I cannot see any sense in this dichotomy. None whatsoever.

    See if you take away the notion of free will and also the notion of determinism, neither of which exist in reality, then you are left with moral relativism, which also doesn't make any sense either. Furthermore such notions or concepts of fault, blame, punishment, praise and reward, entitlement, being deserving, and so on also make no sense whatsoever. Nobody has earned anything. Nobody is entitled to anything. Nobody is more deserving or less deserving of anything. Nobody's needs deserve more consideration or recognition over anyone else.

    Therefore to reiterate a previous point, the current criminal justice system makes no sense either ethically or intellectually. Furthermore the checks and balances and the hoops you have to jump through to prove entitlement in the welfare benefit system also makes no sense either ethically or intellectually. The field of employment and work also makes very little sense either ethically or intellectually and neither does a major chunk of our socio-economic system. Neither does a meritocracy make that much sense either.

    But see we currently see a world and society where we think it's okay to treat some people better than others because of things they had nothing to do with. We also think it's okay to treat some people worse than others, or even rationalize the abuse of such people, also because of things which they had nothing to do with. But furthermore we often show ourselves to be total hypocrites by claiming that this is a just world, a fair society and people get what they have earned or deserve.

    You would have to have a completely different perspective on society and the world if you're going to accept completely that none of us is entitled to better treatment than anyone else and hating someone makes about as much sense as hating a virus which infects your body or hating a bush that naturally grows thorns. None of this makes any sense from a standpoint that we are just biological creatures with a better than average memory trying to interact with a rapidly and consistently changing environment.

  • We would need to let go of personal responsibility and accountability

    While I'm aware I'm expanding on a previous bullet point in this list, this is where I give you a personal invitation into the freak territory region of my mind. This is where I sometimes get accused of being a conspiracy theorist, of being 'out there', being illogical, or being a crank. But this is where I will try to give you some insight into my perspective and worldview which is increassingly confident of my 'life based on code' premise.

    You see if you were to examine the trajectory of human history over the past millenium, in between all the tyrannies, wars, bigotry, cruelty and inhumanity we have been incrementally and consistently letting go of personal responsibility and accountability. Whenever we do human society has not collapsed, but we have made social progress and created a much better society for us all to live in. Some examples:

    • When crops fail in a region we are far more likely to put it down to climate change rather than blaming the cranky old woman living on the edge of a village with a black cat who is keenly interested in herbs. We understand that people who practise magic cannot control the weather and it's not okay to burn them at the stake.
    • It's a good thing we accept that mothers did not cause their child's schizophrenia because they had this psychodynamic, Freudian toxic view of hating their child. Once again we let go of personal responsibility and developed greater environmental awareness. We cracked the code and discovered a better society and world. We now understand that schizophrenia is a neurogenetic disorder.
    • It's a much better world because we accept that some people have crappy luck and end up with a variant of a gene that affects a hormone receptor in your hypothalamus and no matter what they do they're going to end up morbidly obese because your brain cannot detect a satiation signal. It's not because you are self-indulgent or have no self-discipline, it's not because you hate yourself. You just have something missing in your biology and a missing sense - very much like deafness.
    • Then we have figured out that somewhere along the way some children have an issue with some layers in their frontal cortex and as a result it's very hard for them to differentiate a lower case 'b' from a lower case 'p' so they have additional challenges when learning to read because they have dyslexia. Not only is this a good thing to figure out because we can figure out ways of teaching such children differently, but you're not raising them to believe that they're lazy and unmotivated, and you're not raising them in a society that thinks they're lazy and unmotivated.

    These are just but a few examples, but hopefully you can see that repeatedly, in letting go of notions of personal responsibility and holding other people less accountable for things over which they have no control, we have become more environmentally aware, more aware of biology, and also - getting back to my main point - we have also figured out new code and new algorithms. Indeed it is through this increased environmental awareness and figuring out new code and algorithms, throughout the different centuries, we have created a more compassionate, empathic society and a far more humane world to live in.

This is where I start to try and wrap things up. I'm hoping that you can see some sense in this new perspective on life as being based on code and algorithms as opposed to our more traditional beliefs in free will, morality and determinism. Please keep in mind that I have long suspected something wasn't right with the world since my teens, and it wasn't until the back end of my theatrical career in Poland when I had figured out the Omega Principle that I started to understand that we have no free will and that we are subject to our environmental, social and biological factors far more than many of us are prepared to believe.

Even though I'm fairly confident of what I'm writing here there are times when I struggle to live my premise here and sometimes slip back into my social conditioning. I can accept that for some of you reading this it might come across as utopian or hard to imagine. But if you're prepared to dig deeper and investigate, you should find that changing your model of reality and belief systems to a code-based perspective resolves far many issues than it creates and actually does something meaningful towards our growing list of social, political and environmental issues.


It is possible to change your mindset to embrace this code-based perspective

I want to conclude by stating that it is possible to change your mindset to develop a more code based perspective on life. All you really need to do is put more emphasis on environmental and community awareness. You don't actually have to learn any code, simply because you've been using such code already throughout your life. You just have to accept that what you have thought to be free will is actually code you have already figured out and make use of.

I have done this in a couple of ways. Firstly the system I have spent 20 odd years developing, i.e. Qultura, for developing conscious awareness through increased environmental and community interaction, is fully compatible with a code based perspective. This is actually what makes it different from other similar systems such as Buddhism, Taoism and yoga, which focus far more on the individual. Through Qultura you can quickly and easily develop mystical insight and awareness which enables you to fairly easily figure out new code from your environment and social relationships through an understanding of karma, reincarnation and Natural Law.

I've also spent many years as an anti-death penalty activist and advocate within the US system, mainly addressing state governors, public prosecutors and boards of pardon and paroles essentially picking holes in prosecutorial arguments and criticizing execution protocols and methods. This however has been far more challenging than developing Qultura with varying degrees of success. Understandably so because if you're someone who is so prepared to murder someone using millions of dollars of public funding and argue a case over decades, you're probably not going to be swayed easily from your nonsensical belief in capital punishment. But see Death Row prisoners have so few allies and supporters prepared to do anything to help them off Death Row.

So to wrap up this post and conclude with a final point, I'm going to throw down a challenge to some of you out there. Keep in mind that I have studied the occult, magic and conscious through mysticism for roughly 40 years. I understand that there is no free will, no determinism, and chaos exists because that's how the universe appears from our extremely limited perception and understanding of reality. I'm also well aware that there is no purpose whatsoever to life, the universe or evolution. I'm also aware that a lack of social and financial security in society promotes the development of crime, domestic violence, mental illness, addiction and pathological human behaviour.

So to all of you who believe in such things as free will, personal responsibility, and a fair and just society, what exactly do you have to back up your assertions? Please explain to me, in terms accessible to common logical understanding, exactly how should a society function without any social security and a safety net? Please explain to me how someone is capable of work without experiencing either major health issues or developing a mental illness or disability consistently from the ages of 18 to 80. What justification can you provide for selectively treating some people better and some people worse? Exactly what is your criteria?

Please feel free to message me via my contact page here or comment via my social media links. I'll be waiting.