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What is karma?

It's probably best to start out from what karma isn't. Karma is not some swirly divine system of retributive justice. If you're one of those people going round saying that someone should 'get their karma' then stop it. Each time you say things like this you make it quite clear that you don't understand what karma is about. Neither you nor anyone else is that important to merit any kind of 'divine justice'.

I'm going to give you an example of karma in action and explain the mystical principle behind karma. Hopefully within the next 5-10 minutes you'll fully understand what the fundamental nature of karma is and how it works.

Let's use this image of a strawberry dropping into water. The image captures the exact moment of the strawberry hitting the surface of the water.

Karma is a Sanskrit word which quite simply means 'action'. As karma forms the basis of Natural Law karma is essentially the principle of action, reaction and interaction which forms the basis of the constant cycles of creativity and interaction between everything in existence.

Karma is always therefore directly relative to trauma. If we take trauma to be the action of the strawberry hitting the surface of the water, we should have three states of being surrounding this event with trauma disrupting equilibrium to bring chaos and disorder, and karma the process of creativity and interaction to create change going from the chaos and disorder back towards equilibrium, balance and harmony.

Before the trauma (impact)
Before the action - the strawberry dropping into the water and hitting the surface - the surface of the water was smooth and still. There was balance, harmony and equilibrium between the consciousness and energy. Natural Law, which applies to everything in existence throughout the universe, our natural environment, Nature and living existence, is predicated entirely upon balance, harmony and equilibrium. In this state there is no karma, because there is no action.
Trauma (impact)
So here we have the action, which is the strawberry hitting the surface of the water. The action of the strawberry hitting the surface of the water is karma. The relationship between consciousness and space is trauma due to the sudden higher energy frequency and closer relationship between energy and space, resulting in chaos, division, disorder, which is the opposite of equilibrium, balance and harmony. Please note that trauma is essentially incarnation and consciousness going into physical form through energy.
Karma (process of creativity and interaction)
The reaction to the strawberry hitting the surface of the water is going to be dramatic in response to the trauma, and is going to manifest as a splash, drops of water becoming separate from the main body of water, waves, and then ripples as the water expresses consciousness relative to the trauma. This process of creativity and interaction, where the strawberry will also sink into the water and then rises, bobbing up and down until it floats, is still karma because it is all action (reaction relative to the original action) but the relationship between the consciousness, energy and space is dramatic due to the increasing wavelengths of energy and lower energy frequencies as the kinetic energy once again becomes latent due to a closer relationship to consciousness.

This means that:

  • trauma and drama is what defines the relationship between everything in existence relative to consciousness, energy and space.
  • karma is what determines the creativity and interaction between everything in existence relative to consciousness, energy and space.
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It's always extremely important not to confuse karma with morality or moral reasoning as many people do. There is a massive difference between karma and morality.

Karma is action, reaction and interaction, and nothing more than this. This means that both the crest and the trough of the energy cycle is karma, and it is only the mid-point where there is no karma and balance, harmony and equilibrium. This is where consciousness and energy (latent) are at Zero Point, where what you do matches up with what happens to you and your life just flows naturally and simply. Just like water. Just like air. You are completely living your own natural vibe of energy.

This is understood to be where you have managed to resolve all your karma and you are connected, aware and fully conscious of everything that is going on around you in your environment.

This is radically different from morality and moral reasoning and the belief in right versus wrong and good versus evil. Define good. Define right. Define evil. Define wrong. What makes your definitions of these concepts - and they are human concepts - any better than my definitions, or anyone else's definition?

Do you see the clear difference? Morality is conceptual and rooted in separateness and ignorance. Karma is natural, universal and is the fundamental basis for Natural Law. Karma applies equally to everyone and everything in existence.

Is that clear to you?

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Want to dig deeper?

Karma is relative to both trauma and reincarnation and is explained as a mystical principle through Creative Law, which I developed in 2009 together with Qultura methodology. Creative Law is one of the universal principles which make up the second component of Qultura methodology, which is a complete methodology of essential mystical principles necessary to understand in order to develop consciousness and mindfulness.

Explore Qultura methodology