three monkeys

What is ignorance?

Fundamentally ignorance is emptiness or space, which is actually consciousness which exists beyond the limitations of your perception, memory and conscious awareness. This might seem confusing, but ignorance isn't always a bad thing, unless you make it a choice and only stick to what you know and avoid learning anything new. Ignorance is a fundamental component of the human mindset.

All existence is change, all existence is relationship, and through the felt sense of immediate experience the universe is coming at you constantly in a multi-dimensional continuum of sensation and experience. In other words everything is happening everywhere all the time. Therefore in the grand scheme of things you cannot be anything other than ignorant to some degree and on some level.

Contrast this with the human mind, and human powers of perception, which is linear in nature and only capable - if we take the extremely narrow focus of conscious attention into account - of understanding reality on one, two and possibly three dimensions. This is why basic education takes about 12 years of study, coursework and homework, because you have to 'scan' literally hundreds of miles of text across different subjects through coursebooks, videos, and traditionally the hundreds of miles of text drawn by teachers on blackboards.

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If you were to accept the Triangular Relationship - the second of the four original universal principles of Qultura methodology as a basic definition of reality, then you will understand that there are two completely different forms of ignorance.

Universal ignorance

Universal ignorance is the more global form of ignorance which arises out of our direct experience of actual reality.

We are neither omniscient nor omnipresent. Life can be defined as a conscious relationship with the universe which manifests as an environment existing in a way which is relative to an individual conscious perspective.

This means that our natural environment is coming at us constantly in a multidimensional continuum of sensation and experience, which means that everything is happening everywhere all the time and is constantly changing.

The exact same thing is true when it comes to our physical bodies. While our heart is pumping blood through our circulation we are breathing, we are digesting stuff, our livers, kidneys, brains, nervous system are working simultaneously all the time harmoniously as one complete harmonious organism in ways that we do not fully understand or are able to comprehend. You don't have a clue how your tongue relates to your pancreas and what else that relationship involves, do you?

But there is a relationship and that relationship is just as multidimensional and complex as that what is coming at you constantly from your natural environment.

This is what is meant by universal ignorance. Your grasp and understanding of your natural environment and the universe is entirely subjective simply because it is impossible for you to gain any kind of objective understanding of your environment.

Environmental ignorance

Environmental ignorance is the more local and specific form of ignorance which arises out of our belief in separateness, Ego, and a misunderstanding that the human conceptual version of reality, i.e. that what is created from human thinking, human concepts, human culture and human ideology and belief systems is the only reality that exists.

This is what creates widespread confusion among most people in the world as to what is actual reality and what is only cultural or symbolic reality.

There are numerous, many examples of environmental ignorance throughout human culture and human society.

Let's start with the concepts that many people believe to be actual reality, such as God, time, money, nationalities, skin colours, races, names of countries, the Ego, concept of self, and even what most people refer to whenever they use the words 'I', 'me', 'you', 'us', and 'them' in a sentence. These are all purely human concepts and have nothing whatsoever to do with actual reality.

Then you have the various 'laws', Natural law (or Universal Law), Creative Law, Keppler's Law, the Law of Attraction, which are also all human concepts and have nothing to do with actual reality. Creative Law, which I developed in 2009, is just a simplification of so many other laws rolled into one and condensed. It's still my perspective, a concept I created, and is just my observation of how consciousness, space and energy work together.

Then you have the concept of climate change. And? So what? How do you know the climate is actually changing? Why is climate change such a big issue for you? Is it because you're so disappointed that the climate isn't being consistent enough for you? Or is it such an issue because generally human beings are so effing clueless about their natural environment and so abusive towards their natural environment and other species?

Well maybe if humans weren't so heavily dependent on cars, planes, guns, bombs, missiles, and profit making industries that generate so much heat, plastic and toxic shit and killing off so many people and species maybe climate change might not be such a big issue.

You could actually try to be a bit less environmentally ignorant. Hopefully you now understand what environmental ignorance is.

Dissolving ignorance through Qultura

When I created Qultura together with Ian 'Fibbo' Fibbens (1965-2013) my former best friend with who I co-founded Qultura, we agreed that Qultura needed to be a community based method of enquiry - similar to Buddhism and Taoism in terms of simplicity - but one which was capable of dissolving ignorance in a way which was simple,m direct and effective. Fibbo's idea was for an empathy-focussed community made up of different artists, creative types, the poor, the destitute, and other non-conformists while I developed Qultura methodology as a relatively simple way of learning about mystical principles to dissolve environmental ignorance through self-study.

There is no teaching involved, because the methodology is made freely accessible via webpages, an e-book and even a 15 minute video. This is because ignorance carries a lot of social stigma - social conditioning - and nobody likes to have a finger pointed at them and to be told "You're ignorant." For anyone to do this would completely negate the core foundation of the empathy-focussed community that Fibbo envisaged.

Other methods of enquiry which are based on eastern cosmologies such as Buddhism, Taoism and Hatha yoga (derived in the 19th century from syncretic yoga and Hinduism) are based on teaching to address directly the issue of ignorance and a lack of conscious awareness, and they address this issue from teaching the uninitiated eastern cosmology. As eastern cosmology is alien to the Western mindset such methods work through triangulation. Triangulation here means being taken out of your own, familiar culture. Contrast this with Qultura which is based almost entirely on dreamweaving, the fourth component of Qultura which is Unmind, and the primary social interaction accessible through being in community.

No teaching is necessary because any Qultura method is developed by the individual and their unique or individual interpretation of the complete Qultura methodology. Insight is shared through primary social interaction within the community starting from a position of trauma and subversion - the outward creative self-expression of individual truth and narratives. There is no central or organized belief system, no ideology, because within the context of the Qultura community everyone is their own mystic, their own guru, and as a result not only a Qultura method becomes unspeakable, esoteric and occult, but so too does the memory and experiences of individual trauma.

This in turn provides liberation almost immediately from both Ego and external authority. The Qultura community is totally egalitarian in nature. There is no hierarchy, no teachers, no followers, there is just a community of individual human beings each working out their own individual karma and specific factors in life through experience and social interaction, each conscious of the fact that they are meeting with other individuals in the community who are coming together to share insight from their very unique and individual paths through life. You see when you accept all your stuff and emotional baggage as karma, and your humanity as a human being who is always a work in progress, all you are left to share is your narrative and your perspective in a social environment which nurtures and encourages the development of consciousness, conscious awareness and mindfulness.

Explore Qultura methodology