
Truth unspoken

My life is my message


So we start this blog post with another story or rather a scene taken from the life of Mahatma Gandhi, the Hindu spiritual leader in India who led peaceful protests against British imperial rule throughout the early part of the 20th century. Gandhi was on a train leaving a station in India. Journalists were running along with the train and one of them shouted out, "Baba G, what is your message to the world?" Gandhi scribbled something on a paper bag and handed it to the journalist. What he wrote is what is quoted above.

"There is fiction in the space between
The lines on the page of your memories
Write it down but it doesn't mean
You're not just telling stories..."

Tracy Chapman, 'Telling Stories'

This post is a continuation on from my previous blog post titled 'Form and motion'. Therefore this is a post about truth, and what truth actually is.

In the natural world there is rhythm and there is motion and this is simply because physical existence is a vibration of recurring energy cycles or waves. Reincarnation is essentially rhythm and pattern because consciousness has to somehow interact with energy. Karma is always the physical action which arises out of these vibrations and patterns which is why karma and reincarnation always go together. Just as there are different levels of consciousness, and unconsciousness, which generally we regard as emptiness or space, there are different levels of reality. From this we get physical reality, which is karmic (because it is closely related to energy) and then you have meta-physical reality, where 'meta-' here means beyond, past, which exists on those dimensions beyond knowledge.

Which brings us to time - also important when we seek to understand truth. Time is a social convention, like money, so it is a concept. Time therefore only has cultural reality, because it is a measurement of motion and rhythm. All time is based on a cycle or circle, which can have 360 degrees, which most calendars aspire to, or 60 degrees, which gives us the clock. This means that minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years have the same kind of reality as inches, miles, kilometres, metres, and so on. Time is a way of measuring motion and rhythm. A compass is a variation on a clock, which is used to measure direction and relationship. Therefore north, south, east and west has the same reality as years, months, days and hours.

pocket watch

Time is an important aspect of culture, simply because we all use it to measure our experiences and change and also that of other people. Imagine how difficult it would be to meet anyone or to make arrangements with other people if we didn't have time. But then, on the flip side, think about the enormous amounts of anxiety and fear which come out of deadlines, appointments, and meetings. Time gives us an important point of reference when we talk about action and experience, because we are a time binding species, which simply means we associate action, change and experience with time. This is why history is important, because it gives us an insight as to how our culture changes and we can measure important events against the calendar, and this allows us to make predictions about the future.

But it's important to understand that the constant we use as a basis for time is the vast emptiness or space that exists around us and also within us. This is where we get to the ground of being, the fundamental basis of existence, which lies beyond all knowledge, and which gives you nothing to cling to or hold onto. There is nowhere for you to stand and nothing to hold onto, because if you do, you're creating karma. What I'm referring to here is perspective, which is essentially the counter to memory, because while memory exists, your perspective has no form and is never manifest. You cannot describe it, you cannot really conceive it, yet it is the fundamental aspect of your being.

But within your perspective you can imagine so many different things. Indeed, even the entire physical universe could fit within your imagination and your perspective. But you cannot take it as ultimate reality because as I've written previously there are different levels of reality. You could say that such concepts as time, or other abstractions such as the lines of longitude and latitude, words, ideologies and beliefs have a kind of flimsy sort of reality. Then you have the physical, material world, which has a little harder kind of reality. Some people stop there and believe that this is about as far as reality goes. This is simply because of the limitations of Mankind's conscious attention.

You see the way our conscious attention is usually manifest is that it tends to ignore all constants and places emphasis only on the specifics and the details. This is why authority works so well on the human mind, because if someone can come up with more details on a given subject than you you assume that they have more knowledge than you, and you are conditioned to give them your authority and if they can find a way of labelling this knowledge the truth - which it isn't, because it is only knowledge - then you're convinced. But it's important to understand, and remember, that knowledge only has value if it is beneficial in some way to you and provides you with insight which leads you towards some truth. There's a great deal of knowledge out there that doesn't meet this criteria, it's generated only to create authority and to dis-empower you by bamboozling you with details. It's a power trip and such knowledge, theories, explanations, ideologies, and so forth simply isn't worth the paper it's written on.

"There is fiction in the space between
You and reality
You will do and say anything
To make your everyday life seem less mundane
There's a science fiction in the space between
You and me....."

Tracy Chapman, 'Telling Stories'

You see when you listen to music - any kind of music - there is a constant hum which manifests as a constant vibration. You can hear it clearly in Indian ragas music, such as this 'Evening Ragas' by Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan. It's pronounced in such music, through what is known as a drone, but it exists in all music. But see having gone through the process of socialization and developed an Ego we tend to screen or filter out this vibration and focus much more on the specific notes and melody.

This is where we get into truth, which is essentially a resonance or vibration which is coming out of a constant. Truth is neither knowledge or belief, because beliefs and knowledge are based on words and language, which is something which is commonly accessible to everyone. Truth is consciousness which exists on another level of reality and when you experience that reality and feel a certain kind of resonance or vibration the thoughts, sensations and feelings you get from that resonance or vibration is what can be regarded as truth. There are many different ways of developing the kind of conscious awareness which takes you towards that level of reality, such as meditation, yoga, psychedelic drugs (the chemical or alchemical methods), magic, tantra, and so on. Drama is another way of developing that conscious awareness which I discovered around the turn of the century and I'm fairly confident that reading is another reliable way of opening your mind and developing that conscious awareness.

I developed Qultura along these lines - no doctrines, no dogma, no hierarchy, no rituals, just methodology, community and making everything up on the spot spontaneously. Qultura started out as drama workshops in community space, it's currently an alternative dreamweaving community. A very small dreamweaving community because to find out what it's all about you actually have to turn up and find out for yourself. But most people aren't prepared to do this, because they want to know the details and specifics before they get involved. I've yet to find a reliable way to communicate to people that it's about sharing perspective and individual truth and experience.

Truth is unspoken

You see what this continuum is, this fundamental rhythm, pattern or vibration, is the essence of who or what you are. Only because we get absorbed or bogged down in details we forget all about it. Deep down, really deep down within yourself, you have some awareness that this is you, the real you, and that what we call consciousness and unconsciousness, coming and going, life and death, are changing modalities or dimensions within this whatever it is we are. Your identities come and go, your forms, your bodies, your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts, your memories, and so on, they are all oscillating just like everything oscillates. If these aspects of your being didn't oscillate there would be no vibration or rhythm or pattern, would there?

But see while we may understand and be aware of the fact that we are part of this planet and the universe, we don't know it for sure because we are unable to make it an item of knowledge or transform it into some concept, because it is so non-specific. So we think that the only knowledge there is is the knowledge of specifics. This is why from a logical perspective reincarnation is meaningless or senseless, because there's no specifics to get hold of. But we are not mathematical equations just as much as we are not concepts. Whether you believe or are aware of the ground of being or not is beside the point, because it manifests in your life in ways which are very vivid and very real.

"A fabrication of a grand scheme
Where I am the scary monster
I eat the city and as I leave the scene
In my spaceship I am laughing
In your remembrance of your bad dream
There is no one but you standing....."

Tracy Chapman, 'Telling Stories'

Quite often what manifests as truth is a sensation of discomfort or anxiety as you experience a level of reality which contradicts that what you have previously assumed to be reality. There's a kind of vibration or resonance which shakes up your preexisting beliefs and notions, challenging both your mind and your memories. People, often mistakenly, associate truth with this emerging reality or vibration which shakes up whatever beliefs or concepts they're clinging to. Hence you get terms such as:

  • hard truth
  • home truth
  • the cold hard light of reality
  • facing up to reality
  • facing the facts

It's important to remember that this kind of vibration or resonance lies on a plane of reality which is beyond knowledge, beyond language, and well past the Ego. Truth is the emerging or developing consciousness you get from this resonance or vibration. It's something which is resonating between your environment and somewhere in your subconscious mind. Therefore truth is never something which is spoken or can be put into a concept. It's the emerging consciousness from this resonance or vibration which forms the basis of new knowledge, new understanding, new perception, and a new perspective. Truth is the conscious basis for whatever new concepts, beliefs, or statements you make, because you create truth out of this new consciousness to develop these new concepts, knowledge, understanding or awareness.

Truth is always relative to individual perception and individual perspective. This is also something which is important to remember. None of us see the world and our environment in the exact same way. Not only that, but we never see truth the same way even within ourselves. To illustrate the variance of truth a friend of mine, Jan Harley, who teaches psychotherapy to students at a college in Oxford speaks about five fundamental truths:

  • the truth you tell yourself about you
  • the truth you tell yourself about other people
  • the truth other people tell you about you
  • the truth you tell other people about someone else
  • the truth you tell everyone about everything

Of course some truth which is experienced through the felt sense of immediate experience can resonate with different people, provided you can find a way to put it into words, or a concept, and find a way of sharing it which is palatable to other people. But see truth doesn't always work that way and as I'm sure you've experienced yourself, coming out with the truth at the wrong time in the wrong environment and with the wrong people can cause them to be upset and offended. How many times have you come out with the truth and upset someone? How many times has someone come out with the truth and upset you? This is a particular problem in the scientific community and also the court of law. Many eminent scientists were considered idiots and freaks back in the beginning. It's also a major issue among lawyers who are all trying to speak the truth in a court of law from a specific perspective. Nobody wants to be convicted or forced to pay damages on the basis of someone else's belief. I know I wouldn't, and I'm sure you wouldn't either.

It's obvious when you take humanity or the human species as a whole we are all functioning at different levels of consciousness and reality. Some people are more awake, more knowledgeable and more wise, and some people are more ignorant and lacking in awareness. But we are all born into different environments and different cultures, we go through different experiences in life. But we are all functioning on the basis of some perceived truth.

There are no coincidences in the fact that electrons and protons whizzing round a nucleus in an atom is the same as planets orbiting a spherical ball of flame or sun, as an entire galaxy swirling round a black hole. Likewise there are no coincidences in the fact that galaxies colliding create the iron which creates the same Heme B which binds oxygen to your red blood cells and regulates the beating of your heart. Then you have your blood pressure, your digestive system, your liver, your breathing, your kidnets, all the other organs in your body and all the billions of different biological cells in your body, mutating, reproducing and dying, which makes up the entire ecosystem and environment you think of as your physical body.

It's on this level of reality where you find the vibrations, the constants, and the rhythms and patterns. This is way way way beyond the narrow limitations of the focus of your conscious attention and Ego.

"Leave the pity and the blame
For the ones who do not speak
You write the words to get respect and compassion
And for posterity
You write the words and make believe
There is truth in the space between...."

Tracy Chapman, 'Telling Stories'

Before you speak the truth you have to 'be' it

You see unlike belief, truth is standalone. Truth does not require your participation or my participation to exist. It simply is. This is what makes truth completely different to belief, because belief does require your participation for it to become real. There's always a certain kind of resonance or vibration about truth, a sensation, that you don't get with belief because belief is merely words, languages, symbols, concepts. Actual reality, or ultimate reality is never a concept. Truth is something you can sense or feel, or even experience.

This is what I'm referring to when I refer to someone being 'real'. It's where you're living on the basis of your vibration, your inner rhythm, and you're letting your incarnation unfold relative to everything else. It's where your thoughts, the way you interact and communicate and express yourself matches up with what you do and how you live. This is it. This is the mandala you're looking for, or in terms of archaic 'Boomer' slang, the 'vibe' or vibration. This is also what is known as 'source', the source of your truth.

What many people think of as truth, in either written or spoken form, is perspective. You see perspective can be truth, it can also be opinion, it can also be belief, it can also be hypothesis, theory, or something else. One of the biggest single illusions in society is what is known as 'the truth', which is often a statement to trick you into creating authority. We all do this, it's an enduring part of this grand conspiracy we play out on each other what we call culture.

"There is fiction in the space between
You and everybody
Give us all what we need
Give us one more sad sordid story
But in the fiction of the space between
Sometimes a lie is the best thing
Sometimes a lie is the best thing...."

Tracy Chapman, 'Telling Stories'