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The revolutionary path

Forget about the Bolsheviks and the French Revolution. This is not where it's at. The only revolution that needs to take place is the revolution you can start anytime you like and here I'm talking about the revolution of one person, the revolution of your mind. You are at the very centre of the Mandala. You are a manifestation of the energy in the universe. You are not marginalized or oppressed in any way, unless you really want to believe it to be so.

But if you do, you're missing the point completely

Understand that the life you are living has never ever been lived before by anyone else at any point in human history. It's highly unlikely to be lived ever again by anyone else. When you die the people who know you will remember you, and they will only be able to talk about that what they remember you by, and how you made them feel. They're not going to be able to carry out any of your ideas, or follow your dreams, or really understand what really matters to you, or what you feel is most important not unless you choose to share these things with them.

Also please understand that whatever it is that you feel oppresses you, or which is holding you back or keeping you in your place is only doing so by yourbelief it is so and your acceptance that it is so. Nobody has any real control over you, nobody has any authority over you, simply because it's you who believes such things and it's you who is creating the authority you give to other people. You see if someone can make you believe something and you choose to believe it, you're the one who is creating the authority and giving them control over your mind and your thinking.

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody is in control, nobody knows what is going on, nobody has got a clue. I know that there are people who are trying to take control, to be in control, just as lots of people think they know what's going on. Much of what consciousness and conscious awareness is really all about is whether you are aware or ignorant, and whether you are awake or asleep. If you take the population of people around you in the collective, a lot of people are ignorant, a lot of people are asleep. Some are awake, some are aware, of course, but everyone ignorant or aware or asleep or awake, are making it up as they go along.

What this means is that the human population in the collective, no matter where you are, is never going to be entirely asleep or ignorant, nor is it ever going to be ever entirely awake or aware. In the collective people exist in some indeterminate zone. This is why bloody revolutions of many people rarely if ever work. You're never going to get enough people together to reach a consensus to create significant meaningful change. But also, something which is just as important here, and which I find fascinating, is that you're always going to have some people who believe weird things. Understand that the Bolsheviks and French people around the time of Robospierre did not have access to technology, the internet or social media, and part of the reason why we were given access to so much technology and the internet is to break down that social consensus and keep people fragmented and divided.

Which is why you have a significantly large section of people all over the world who really believe that the Earth is flat and shaped like a pancake. I really don't want to get into people who believe that those who have more money are actually shape shifting lizards who came to this planet some from the space beyond Saturn. But it's amazing what you can pick up at your local supermarket.

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When we consider the world and what it is now, with all the misery, conflict, destruction, brutality, aggression, selfishness, bigotry, inhumanity, and so on it seems to me that while Mankind has learned so much about the external world and his environment, inwardly he is still as primitive as he has always been.

In many ways Mankind still seems animalistic and uncivilized. Mankind is just as brutal and abusive as ever, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive, self-serving, and has developed a social structure along these lines. From the cradle to the grave it seems the dangers are all there, the threats are always present, and the fears which are experienced are always oh so real.

This is so normal that fear becomes a part of our everyday mindset.

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Where do you think everyone is going with all this automation and development of digital technology? Where is it all leading us? What's the bigger picture? What do you think?

Have you ever thought about all this? Then when and if you do, what do you actually do about it? The chances are you don't even start thinking about all this until later in life when you can't really do that much about it - late in the game so to speak. This is generally pretty much when the game is practically over. Then what?

You see what really matters is the understanding of the whole process of life. This means of course the understanding of all the various components of life, the conflicts, the aggression, the misery, with the loss, the pain, the sorrow and the confusion. You see to understand the various complexities of life, and figure out what is really important, what is fundamental and what isn't, you need to be able to not only hear the words, but also get beyond the words and the language.

You see the words and the language, these are not the facts, this is not the truth. It's all just semantics.

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One of the things I enjoy doing, when I get the opportunity, is to discuss mysticism or metaphysics with people involved in psychology and also psychics. I also get into quite interesting discussions with my doctors, and some of these discussions have proven to be incredibly insightful now that my doctors understand where I'm coming from and they can explain things from a physiological perspective. I understand that they all have an agenda - survival at all costs. I'm no longer interested in surviving at all costs. These are my legacy years and when I'm done I'm done, so to speak.

But my point here is that a lot of people claim that their approach to life is scientific and based on the facts and evidence, as distinct from a mystical perspective and rooted in metaphysics - and many dismiss metaphysics and claim that a lot of what is mysticism is rubbish anyway. But often what they don't understand and seem unable to recognize - and this is just to let you know just how powerful and pervasive all this social and mental conditioning really is - is that their whole approach to life is rooted very deeply in mysticism and spirituality.

Let me make it very clear what I'm trying to get at here. This is extremely important.

Everyone starts out in life with a basic assumption of what they understand to be 'a good life'. This assumption is made long before we have the memory to remember it, and even before we have enough grey matter or brain to be able to rationalize it. What we define as a good life is centred around happiness and love - both of which are conscious experiences. Now personally I'm not clear on whether we make this assumption immediately before birth, when we become concerned about what exists outside our mother's womb, or sometime after we are born. But my point here is that this is a common assumption we all make, and it is purely a mystical assumption.

Now personally, and please understand that this is my own observations here, is that the vast majority of psychologists tend to be blind or ignorant to these assumptions. These is even truer when you get to psychiatrists but see both have studied for a considerable number of years and they are usually bending over backwards to assert their scientific status - because that is what matters in our society, what you have studied, when, for how long, and where.

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But see where you have a clinical situation where you have a patient or client, the psychologist, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst, and a problem, or context for the relationship, you have an unequal relationship between the client and the psychologist. The psychologist sees the client as a subject, an object to be studied, and is trying to examine the relationship between the client and their environment and background, or past behaviour. The client is expecting a solution or resolution to a problem (which I have covered in The Solution Illusion) and in assigning the psychologist authority on the basis of their qualifications and clinical experience, often the client misunderstands that what is suggested is merely a suggestion, and is not intended to be a solution at all.

I've recently read some academic work from a psychotherapist friend about the way we take offence at things and the strong link between taking offence and the way we were toilet trained. This gives me insight as a mystic, because I'm not studied nor do I have clinical experience, and it gives me a practical insight. I have a broad but not very detailed awareness of the trends in psychology, which is also somewhat aided by spending enough time online and recognizing common phrases, such as love languages and narcissism to understand what books have been written, how many people are reading these books, or watching the videos, taking part in the therapy, and what's trending.

I still can't explain the fascination psychologists have for explaining narcissism on Youtube through videos, but there's a lot of them, and I assume that it's a new online digital marketing strategy to get clients.

But all these psychologists also need to give a nod to the mystics and shamen (and please understand I'm not the only mystic in the Qultura community) for highlighting the mystical principle or separating the metaphysical from the physical and the unstudied, unexamined assumptions within.

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One of the most basic and fundamental of life's lessons is the one which is missed out completely by most parents.

This lesson fits neatly after the games of peek-a-boo you play with your baby before they can even sit up or stand and blowing a raspberry on their tummy as you change their nappy (diaper for Americans) which will also have them chortling with glee. It also needs to come before the teaching of ABC and 123 and language.

This lesson is that any experience we have through our senses, and also that what we receive as a sensation, be it through sight, sound, touch, smell or taste, is a vibration in energy. Every vibration is both 'on' and 'off', and vibrations come in cycles or waves where every wave has both a crest and a trough.

You can call it whatever you like, you can call it I-Ching, you can call it yin yang, but however which way you call it, describe it or teach it, we are referring to the fundamental and most basic mystical transaction as the interaction between existence (consciousness) and reality (space), or vice versa.

This is the basic and most fundamental pattern of all life and all living existence. In everything. Life is all about on off on off on off. All energy is digital in nature and it doesn't matter whether we are talking about a smooth organic wave or cycle, or a square digital wave or cycle such as you get off a computer, or smartphone or other digital device, we're still dealing with a binary system of existence which is 000111010101110 and a basic duality or polarity.

Consciousness and space always go together, and just as existence always goes together with reality. This is the only thing you need to learn and understand about mysticism.

You cannot have sound without silence. You cannot have pleasure without pain. You cannot have knowledge without ignorance. You cannot have light without darkness. You cannot have understanding without fear. The crest and the trough of a wave are always inseparable. Any point in a cycle or on a circle is both its beginning and end.

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Have you ever lived through a day which didn't turn into night? Have you ever experienced a night which didn't end up as a dawn and daylight? Have you ever seen the crest of a wave without the trough? Have you ever held a coin in your hand which had heads but no tails? Is not the inside of a shoe just as important as the outside? What about a bag? A bottle? A cup? A house? A car?

You see what you have to wrap your mind around here is that identity is difference, and difference is identity. Just as a crest is different from a trough, heads on a coin is different from tails, positives are different from negatives, they're also at the same time one and the same thing. Therefore you also have to accept and understand that while two things may be diametrically opposed to one another and radically different, and they seem mutually exclusive, they are in fact fundamentally connected and one and the same thing.

If you forget that, funny things start happening, and you very quickly lose all contact with reality.

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You see if we forget that black and white are inseparable and the same and that existence is backed up by reality, and is composed of being and non-being in equal measure, then we get scared.

Then when we get scared we start playing the Social Game with the mindset of "Uh oh, black might win." This is no different from playing chess if you are playing White. Once we get it into our mindset that black - in our mind the negative side - might win, then we are compelled to play the game thinking that "But White must win at all costs."

The funny thing about human consciousness is that what you believe is who you become. Always.

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Only thing is some people take the game way too far and start confusing their irrational fears and beliefs with reality. Understand I'm no longer writing about a game of chess here. I'm writing very specifically about a core social value in Western culture, a fundamental part of our social and cultural attitudes, which has barely been erased.

I'm writing about the way many 'white' people, far too many white people, masses of white people who would rather cross the street than interact with a non-white person, think and what they really think and believe. God forbid they do the unspeakable thing and maybe try to learn something about the culture and ways of those among us who aren't white.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to recognize the fact that acceptance into the affluent White Anglo-Saxon Middle Class Privileged Club requires complete rejection of your own native social and cultural values and a total commitment to White Anglo-Saxon Middle Class Privileged Club values. This is why it's also known as the Coconut Club.

Which brings us right back to where we all seem to be stuck - the crisis of consciousness.

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The vast majority of people I have come across in life, and I am referring to here the vast majority, are mentally locked in what I described as binary thinking. They can only think in terms of a duality or binary - light and dark, black and white, male and female, hot and cold, left and right, rich and poor, young and old, and so on and so forth.

Yet simultaneously they are unable to discriminate or differentiate between reality and existence, actual reality and cultural reality, objectivity and subjectivity, truth and a belief, a fact and a concept, a principle and ideology, a metaphor and a myth, personal autonomy and personal freedom, consciousness and space, and individuation and individualism.

Many people throughout the West are unable to grasp the concept of non-dualism in their thinking.

The source of all this is fairly simple to identify. You see wherever you have an expression you have a feeling or an underlying emotion. Where you have a feeling or underlying emotion you have a vibration. Where you have a vibration, or a vibe, you have energy, and where you have energy you have both consciousness and space. Everything always leads back to the mystical transaction of consciousness and space together with the manifestation of some kind of energy. Always.

In social and cultural terms the source is always the relentless and persistent social and mental programming rooted in moral reasoning and the core values of Western individualism:

  • more is better
  • survival of the fittest
  • the false sense of separateness between self and other
  • existence is human centric

This is the root, the source, and this is what invariably leads to the symptoms that many of us know so well - the white supremacy, the misogyny, the sexism, the homophobia, transphobia and biphobia, the ableism, the inhumanity and animal cruelty, the relentless and persistent exploitation of resources, people and each other, the profiteering, corruption and lying, the constant divisionism, and so on and so forth.

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Here we have a flower, or a sunflower. Please take a look at it. Have you ever looked at a flower?

Or have you just glanced at a flower, given it a name and moved on to something else? Or you remark on how beautiful it looks or smells and then also moved on.

Both of these are distractive actions which prevent you from actually stopping and taking some time to observe the flower and actually learn something about it. How many times have you looked at something such as a flower, verbalized the experience and moved on?

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Okay so let's try this again. Here's an image of a tree. However you can also try to find a tree for yourself and look at it. You might see a tree through your window or if you're reading this from a smartphone, you might actually be out somewhere and be able to find a tree to look at.

So what I'm trying to get you to do is to just look at the tree. That's all.

Okay so now you have you and the tree. You are perceiving the tree. Between you and the tree is space. Within that space between you and the tree is time - because time is space. But within that space and time between you and the tree there is also consciousness. Out of this consciousness can come feelings, emotions and even thoughts which can all prevent you from seeing the reality of that tree.

Okay so when there are no thoughts, no language, no consciousness and no memory or knowledge which is verbalized about that tree, is there a space between you and the tree?

Looking at this a little deeper, if there is no space between you and the tree but a connection between you and the tree, are you and the tree not one and the same thing?

Think about it.

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Okay so let's move on to an apple tree.

You can see the apples, you can see the leaves, see the twigs, see the stalks for the leaves, and you can see the tree. But see everything is just the tree, because everything is all part of the tree. Furthermore the apple tree is also the environment for the apples, the leaves, the twigs and the stalks. If there was no tree, there would be no apples, no leaves, no stalks and no twigs, right?

But see you could pick the apple off the tree and eat it and if you eat the apple would it still be an apple, or would it be part of you? Furthermore if you picked the apple and ate it, would you not be connected to the tree?

But this is also something I'd like you to think about.

  • apple
  • twig
  • tree
  • space
  • I
  • you
  • me
  • consciousness

These are all words. It's all language. It's very difficult to connect to others using words and language, because words name and define, and as they define they create boundaries, they create borders, limits and through this they create divisions. This is why you need to be very careful about using words to describe reality, particularly when you're not speaking about your own individual reality (experience or consciousness), because you can create divisions and misunderstandings.

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What you also need to take into account is that reality applies only to the present moment - the here and now. Either side of the present moment you have possibility, because possibility is not now, it is either past or future. The past or future are both concepts, human concepts. Neither exist in reality.

But notice that the present moment is also what differentiates actual reality and cultural reality.

In actual reality that what you sense, perceive or experience in the present moment becomes part of your memory and consciousness. This is always what differentiates consciousness from space, and thus existence from reality. You see if you sense something, perceive something, or experience something, through the felt sense of immediate experience, and that what you sense, feel, perceive or experience has come directly out of reality, then it exists. If something exists to you and you are aware of that existence through your felt sense of immediate experience, then it can only be memory, and it can only be consciousness, right?

Everything you have experienced from reality through the felt sense of immediate experience, and which becomes consciousness, becomes your individual reality and thus forms the basis for your individual truth, the story, the narrative.

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But see space is also conceptual, i.e. it is a human concept. This means there are three main ways to make reality conceptual. Up until the Renaissance period God was used to define both consciousness and reality, until Western intellectuals and scientists rebelled, starting with Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) but also people such as John Locke, Sir Isaac Newton, and so on and so forth. However the two main (human) conceptual definitions of reality and space are time and money.

In cultural terms both time and money can be used quite effectively with very little effort to control a population through fear motivation, particularly if that population has been effectively trained to develop an Ego, believe that the Ego is real and who they really are, and are dis-empowered enough to feel a genuine sense of alienation, isolation, potential marginalization and also potential shame and guilt. This creates a constant emotional and psychological need for validation, acceptance, social approval and self-esteem.

Hopefully now you're starting to figure out the whole point and purpose of structural classism and the social hierarchy.

Now out of this we get different belief systems and ideology, because when you're stuck into the totalitarian system based on Western individualism and you haven't been born into fortunate enough circumstances and background the one thing you need to keep you going is hope, otherwise you will despair. So you create a belief system or cling to an ideology - be it religious or political - to give you that hope and something to cling to.

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This of course brings us right back to the Social Game, which can be, depending on your perspective, the game of chess, the game of Monopoly, a poker game, whatever floats your boat. Only of course when you're up against the system, you're up against some experienced players, and usually the players are good enough they know how to cheat or make up the rules as they go along.

Yes it's not fair but as you're probably aware by now there's not much mileage in claiming that "This is not fair."

You will just get laughed at.

But see then again you can create your own rules for the Social Game using your knowledge of cosmology and mysticism. But this requires a great deal of enquiry, of observation, a commitment to an open mind, and a commitment to developing your conscious awareness. Instead of getting bogged down in the language, the semantics, the words, the ideologies and the beliefs and the arguments, for pretty much the same amount of effort you can learn how to manipulate and create space, consciousness and energy.

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What are you getting out of freedom of choice?

As I stated in my previous blog post life is really all about flow and the connections, so choice is only important if your mind is confused or conflicted and you are lacking in conscious awareness - or if you are not connected to your environment and the cosmos through akasha or spirit. If you are at one with your environment and have enough conscious awareness then there is no choice or unfulfilled desires or expectations because there is only flow and autonomy.

Life is all about drama, and drama is all about motion through a constantly evolving relationship.

You can only develop awareness when your mind is free enough to be able to perceive the totality, and when you can perceive the connection between you and the totality and the environment clearly and you are grounded and rooted in your individual reality there is no choice. It's only when you can get past the duality and binary and see the mysticism behind the confusion, you see both sides and understand how they go together that you can become free from the conflicts, the confusion and the hypocrisy and develop the awareness.

Awareness or evolution can only take place when you can perceive all the connections and see how everything is connected no matter how conflicted or fragmented it appears.

This is not achieved by a process of thinking or belief, but by a process of unthinking through unmind, and tracing everything back to the mystical transactions of consciousness and space, existence and reality, and ones and zeros.

This is where the real revolution is - within your own consciousness.