The lies you keep on telling yourself

So for my third and final 'sticky' video we will look at the thorny issue of the Ego. Understand this is not your real self but is merely concept, image, and role play. The lie here is believing that the Ego is the equivalent of a real human being. Once again I'm using a song to save paragraphs. The song is by Mikey D. Burnz and Snowflake, please watch the video and reflect on both the lyrics and the song. Once again we are seeking the same thing - the truth.

The trifecta of society, external authority and the Ego

Please keep in mind that to get to the truth in anything you have to believe something, even it's an illusion, a concept, or even a lie. The Ego, which you created as a small child, is the compromise between your innermost thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the wider social forces of your environment, i.e. parents, teachers, employers, politicians, media figures, and also any other figure of authority.

The Ego does have some value particularly when you're young, clueless about life, and haven't established yourself with a basic Ego structure - role attachment, identity and social status. This is part of what I personally call Somebody Training, where you aspire to being a Good Model Citizen deserving of widespread social respectability. Not everybody achieves this, because they have 'labels', they don't fit the stereotypes, and every society of Good Model Citizens has to have Outsiders to feel good about themselves.

However once you reach the age of emotional maturity in your 20's you no longer need to be so invested in and attached to your Ego. It's really not in your interests to be attached to your Ego as a mature adult and I cannot stress this point strongly enough. Our society is based on enslavement to ideology, enslavement to hierarchy, and servitude to the organization or corporation. If all you have to show for your life in your 40's is an Ego, social position, property and perhaps kids then you're either going to find life a struggle, or a disappointment, or you will be so divorced from reality and have to keep struggling to keep the lies going. Huge chunks of your life can be taken from you through work, through debt and financial commitments, or from societal obligations.

There is an entire web of lies and false notions developed over centuries to keep control over society and keep you in your place. Not even I can scratch the surface, but see then again I don't know the truth or what's going on either. But I have written two e-books about this subject - The Invisible Prison and The Tears of a Clown which can be found in 'My e-books' which will give you a deeper insight.


Individual truth is experience, connections, relationship

  • See that old man in the photo above? You might not get that far.

    The vast majority of people die prematurely and only 10-20% get to die naturally and peacefully. Some people die violently, others in pain, others estranged from their family and friends. An increasing number of people are dying from neglect, isolated and lonely. People simply vanish all the time.

  • Choices and consequences

    Many people do not know how to make choices. Big choices that don't work out at all. Small, insignificant choices which manifest into huge or disastrous consequences. Then you have the choices which didn't seem important at the time, when you were younger, but they come back later in life and hit you like a truck. Please keep in mind that once you reach your 50's, your ability to make significant or impactful choices falls off a cliff and you can end up stuck with a life later in life you don't enjoy or hate.

  • Don't waste your life or throw it away

    Understand you were born into a life with a certain karma and specific meta-physical factors to work out. We all live our lives in cycles. Think about all the cycles you consider to be normal life. You need to resolve that karma and work out those specific meta-physical factors for your life to flow. Until you figure this stuff out the same issues, most of them from other people, will keep happening over and over and over again. You don't have time to waste on ideology, mass produced or mainstream culture, or servitude to stuff which gives you nothing back in return.

  • The only thing that matters in your life is truth and reality

    Understand that your life is a statement to other people. What matters in your life is your reality and your truth. Your connections to other people. What is going through your mind and your relationship to life itself. It's your experience, your friends, your family, your community, your life experience, and your perspective. If you want your life to flow, then you've got to go through that process of individuation and learn how to talk your talk, walk your walk and actually live your truth. How are you remembered by other people? What makes you stand out? If your statement in life is someone else's ideology or values then you are lying to both yourself and other people. You've got to create the memorable experiences and create the memories others are going to remember you by.

This is where I will leave this introduction. I'm done here. I can guide you towards that flow of life and individual truth, but you need to be open and willing to explore, question, experiment, maybe step out of your comfort zone a bit, learn and discover. Understand I am not you. I do not live your life. I do not experience your reality.

Finally please understand where I'm coming from, and this is always from a position looking outwards in. I have never comformed to societal expectations, never fitted in, and I'm in my 50's. I don't claim bragging rights by claiming how many people I have influenced or taught, or on positions of authority I have held. I am living my truth and an example of what I claim is both true and possible. I know that my Ego is role play and a big act. Do you?