
Navigating a fragmented life

One of the biggest misconceptions we have about life is that we assume that life is complete. Life is never ever complete. Life is a never ending process or sequence of random happenings, events, conflicts, puzzles, things which don't fit neatly together and contradictions. The tools we have to understand life are insufficient, memory, language and intellect. So how do we navigate this experience we call life?

I'm not going to give you any sort of philosophy or strategy on how to live your life. The answer to the question "How am I to live my life?" is the exact same as "How am I to completely understand the universe?" It cannot be done. Forget it. Your life is not a problem and I'm not here to give you a solution on that assumption. But what I do want to get into are some of the most common illusions and assumptions as well as some of the major distractions. These distractions tend to shift your focus of attention away from what is really important more towrds things which really don't matter that much.

As always we will be covering certain mystical principles and 'occult' knowledge, i.e. knowledge that is generally obscured, hidden or secret.

The process of individuation

Central to what I want to cover here is the process of individuation. It's probably best to start off by saying what I don't mean by individuation. When I write about individuation I'm not writing about individualism. I'm also not necessarily writing about being an individual either. I'm referring to a process, something that you're working towards, the action or activity behind becoming an individual. I'm writing about a process which is integral to evolution and natural growth.

If we understand life to be an experience of both an environment and an experience of biological reality, as a human being, then it's natural to desire or to seek to become a fully grown, fully developed, natural human being. If we were to walk among trees, for example, and we looked at the trees, we would find that each and every tree would be unique and individual and in some way distinct from every other tree. Even trees which have experienced natural impediments to their growth, such as growing out of a slope on a hillside, on the bank of a river, paving stones in a street, the tree will have found a way of growing around the impediment or obstacle.

In pretty much the exact same way what I'm suggesting here is that you find ways of evolving or growing despite the various impediments, obstacles, and intrusions which in some way threaten your natural growth as an individual human being. Here I'm referring to such things as your process of socialization, social and mental conditioning, various experiences of trauma, formal education, the various social, emotional, psychological, environmental issues you may experience as a result of living among other people. It is this process of growth, evolution, and sometimes healing and recovery, either as a consequence of, or sometimes in spite of, which I refer to as a process of individuation.

But what do you need for this process of individuation? This is something I want to cover in this blog post.

The necessity of space

Let's start by giving ourselves a frame of reference or a point of reference which we can all relate to. The frame of reference I'm offering you here is being in your 20's. You've gone through childhood, puberty, adolescence, your teens, and you emerge into your 20's generally as a second hand human being who is, thanks to all the propaganda you've been exposed to, and being pulled in various directions, a little bent out of shape. You've been bombarded by various messages, demands, expectations, educational, social, parental, political, cultural, you know? Do this, do that, get this, get that, be this, be that, that it's highly unlikely that you're an individual in any sense.

You've probably noticed that some of the messages and conditioning, or control icons you've been presented with, are contradictory, and you might get the feeling that you're somehow expected to 'square the circle'. Socialization works on a model of conditioning which is conformist and based on various models or stereotypes. There's little or no cohesion, it's all based on role play and various societal roles and role models, and you somehow have to find ways of fitting into these role models in order to acquire the acceptance and recognition you need to be able to properly participate into society.

Throughout the first 20-25 years of life you're living within a small circle of consciousness. During childhood it seems immense but see perspective is always relative and you have a completely different take on reality. Given the fact that we cannot differentiate consciousness from space or relationship (except through energy and physical existence) there's a certain wisdom in seeking to create space or 'give space' to our existence. Forget about all the techniques, tricks and so-called spirituality, the tried and tested way of developing and expanding conscious awareness is through giving everything space.

You see if you push back against the pressure to conform to wider societal influences and pressures, you can very easily get caught up into another trap of conformity.

Perhaps the clearest example here is breaking the law. It's a fairly common way when you're young to try and 'beef up' your identity by engaging in criminal activities. But all too often you get caught and once you get caught you end up getting labelled all over again, and stigmatized. You've played right into the hands of authority and the cultural engineers and so in trying to break out of one rigid set of conformity models you get caught up in another.

But the same is true even if you don't turn to crime. What you need to understand is that we're all caught up in a power dynamic that's been developed by various institutions, organizations and cultural engineers over centuries. This all manifests as various hierarchies and the way they've set up the game (because this is all a game) is that irrespective of whether you conform or push back, you're still conforming. Years ago it was hippies and beatniks, today it's emos, goths and roadmen, to give you a few examples. There's many others.

But see with the process of individuation there is no pushback, because you don't need any power or control. What you need is either insight or wisdom, space or both. In mysticism there's a thing called 'the way of the elders' or 'the way of the ancestors'. It's where older people, such as grandparents, have the wisdom and insight to guide you if you're younger. Failing that an elderly neighbour or someone else who's older will suffice. But the main part of this process of individuation which is giving space to one's existence is a bit harder to figure out and understand. We're going to have to get into why seeking power and control is such an issue and why it tends to mess you up.

jigsaw puzzle

The high, the middle and the low

In order to understand power and control, in a political sense, we need to understand what is being controlled and what we (humans) need to have power over. The answer is quite simple - it's society and the social structure. Human society works on the principle of a hierarchy or structure which has a pattern of high, middle and low. You have your hierarchies and institutions at the top, because being fixed entities, and any organization is a fixed entity, you need to have a hierarchy and order to keep it fixed. This is the basis of the social hierarchy and what we understand to be domination culture.

The whole point of domination culture is to reinforce conformity.

The way the system, or human system, has been set up is based on a reinforcement of conformity through the use of power and control. On the one hand the system provides escape from fear - fear of death, fear of what other people think about you, other fears and so on through the illusion of power and control. On the other hand it keeps us in a mental state of apprehension and uncertainty. So what happens is that you either conform to escape the fear but you can't because insecurity and apprehension is what feeds fear, or you push back against the system and find yourself in the exact same situation. It doesn't matter if you conform or don't conform, because you will always invariably end up in the same situation.

So what you end up with is a kind of hierarchy - high, middle and low - where the basic overall pattern is repeated in different ways and in different contexts throughout society. You get caught up in a struggle for power and control, at work, at home in the family, in relationships, at school (where it all starts) and even social groups and community activities. We all like to sing 'Kumbaya' and talk about egalitarianism, equality and unity, but in reality when push comes to shove very few people can actually deal with egalitarianism. This is just to point out just how strong or powerful socialization and social conditioning is on your psyche.

The whole point of organized religion is to reinforce that state of apprehension and teach you that you need to be saved through something known as grace. Grace, that 'something' which takes you out of your state of apprehension is always invariably inaccessible to you. You have to have contact with a messiah, you have to follow a messiah's teachings, or you have to die and end up in heaven. Grace is always something that's placed beyond your grasp. So okay you turn away from organized religion and instead adopt a system such as Buddhism or Taoism. You end up in the exact same situation, only it's not called grace, it's called enlightenment or nirvana. Same trick. Same premise. Same situation. The only difference is that there is no authority figure but you have this thing called 'spirituality' so you become your own authority figure. See how this works?

This is how we have ended up with the situation that human beings are essentially primates, but despite many centuries of myths, culture, concepts and ideology, political, social, religious, cultural, and so on, human beings are still essentially primates and are not really that much evolved any more than any other species. We just think we are, but we're not.

What are you trying to escape from?

So now that we have framed everything in this basic pattern of high, middle and low, we now have to also look at how this manifests itself into your reality. We are all caught up initially in life in a small circle of consciousness, lacking the space necessary to go through that process of individuation. Belief in external authority - coming directly from the pattern of high, middle and low - has been developed to reinforce conformity through attachment to Ego and role attachments. It's all well and good spiritual leaders and gurus telling you to get rid of your Ego but see if you do that you will very quickly become toast in society. What I suggest you do instead, and what much of this post is all about, is to learn how to recognize the Ego and concept of self for what it is in reality. You made the assumption way back in your very early childhood that you had Ego, and all the adults in your life helped you develop it. Instead of trying to get rid of it, which is an exercise in futility (I'll come to this shortly), it's a lot better to try and understand it and find ways of making use of it.

You see there's two ways of reinforcement of role attachment. The first way is utilitarian and is centred around work, occupation, obligation to society, being a taxpayer, an employee, an employer, a student, a pensioner, retired, and so on. Then you have reinforcement of role attachment through ceremony, amusement and entertainment. Let me give you a couple of examples, both of which are ritualistic in nature, to see how this works.

All organized religions have ceremonies, festivals and rituals. Christmas is an example of what I'm writing about here, Easter is another. There are many other similar occasions, Ramadan, Eid, Passover, Diwali, and so on. First consider all the rituals and traditions which are involved in these ceremonies. Also consider just how powerful these ceremonies have worked their way into our collective psyche. I will leave it to you to figure out for yourself just how well this all works itself into the basic overall pattern of high, middle and low and reinforcement of role attachments and Ego.

Then you have other forms of entertainment and sport. Note the emphasis on entertainment, engagement and amusement. Here I have another clear example, which is football (soccer). While it's possible to take an interest in football as a neutral generally most people who are interested in football identify with a specific team and identify themselves as a supporter or fan of a team. You see how this works? It's the exact same pattern - the high, middle and low - and the reinforcement of roles. It's also not a coincidence that football is played in an arena - very much like a classic theatre - and the actual focus of attention is 22 men kicking a ball around a rectangular pitch of grass trying to get the ball into a rectangular net at the end of the pitch. Rinse and repeat for other sports such as rugby and American football. Also note, just like Christmas, the widespread commercial value of such sports.

This is where social conditioning is a key factor. If all you have is your social conditioning, without any meta-physical or existential dimension to your life or your thinking, then all this ceremony, ritual, entertainment and distraction is just an additional level of escape. This also applies to individual forms such as cinema, television, books, theatre, music, recreational drugs, art, travelling, casual sex, and so on. Without a meta-physic or that existential dimension it's all distraction and escapism. It's all controlled by someone else and it all brings you right back to the basic pattern of high, middle and low and the reinforcement of conformity and role attachment.

When you take a step back and think about it, you should find that what you are seeking to escape and avoid facing up to is your own intrinsic worth and value as an individual human being. You're seeking to avoid facing up to and learning about your own core essential, essence of being, your own biological and evolutionary nature. You might even think to yourself "I am nothing and nobody. I am empty, I am void. I need to get myself away from this and this perception of who I am."

But this is exactly the space or nothingness you need for your process of individuation.


Saturn - The Bringer of Old Age

Let's start with a bit of housekeeping. I'm going to be going into some mysticism and meta-physics with some good old astrological symbolism to help you (hopefully) make the connection here. Let's start with Saturn. Above I give you the title of a piece of classical music by English composer Gustav Holst from his Planets Suite which is based on 19th century astrological symbolism. Click on the image above and it will take you to a Youtube video of this piece of music. So what does Saturn symbolize in astrology?

Saturn in astrology symbolizes old age, wisdom, discipline, and all the other ingredients necessary for a process of individuation. Saturn, the planet, takes 28-30 years to orbit the Sun. This means it takes the same amount of time to pass through all the signs of the zodiac from a fixed natal position (in your horoscope). I'm not going to get into all the aspects and meanings in signs and houses because astrology is very archaic and complex. Besides I'm referencing it here to make a point. But every 28-29 years in your life Saturn will return to its natal position and this event is known as a Saturn Return.

This means that you experience a Saturn Return when you're 28-29 years old, then again when you're 56-58 years old, and again when you're around 84 years old. It is believed that during these years you will face a series of tests or challenges in your life, the outcome of which is determined by how much you have experienced in life and how much you have learned. For this reason Saturn is nicknamed 'The Old School Master'. Life is of course the subject in the curriculum.

However - and this is the point of me linking the image of Saturn to the classical music - I'm now going to take you into the implicit symbolism behind Saturn in the astrological sense, i.e. that what is hidden, obscured, occult. What Saturn in astrology points to, implicitly, are the societal taboo subjects of old age, ageing, death and self - the "Who am I?" of life. Now this is where it gets a bit more complex, so please read this bit carefully.

Understand that we need space or a void for the process of individuation. This means that you need to completely disregard any and all beliefs and preconceived notions about death, dying, and reincarnation. Disregard the notions and gnosticism of heaven and hell. Disregard all this because it is all part of the exact same pattern of high, middle and low, of control, of power, and reinforcement of conformity. In the East people believe in reincarnation, and generally in the West that belief manifests as a belief in resurrection into heaven or hell. Both play on your base desire of survival and your fear of death. It's all conditional, because if you do good in this life, you will either go to heaven or be reincarnated into a better life. Do you see the control mechanism and what's being suggested here?

But see, who or what determines the nature of your next incarnation, or whether you get into heaven? Some kind of divine authority perhaps? However if this was really the case, don't you think society would be arranged differently and you would be living a completely different life? These beliefs are not only corrupt, they're also nonsense.

But my point here is that you have to bring yourself within the space, that void, so that you can investigate these subjects of ageing, old age, death and self without any identification or personalizaton of any beliefs. You see death and self cancel each other out. Death is the end of self, but while you identify as 'self' you're going to be caught up in the pattern and examining these subjects from a perspective of fear and apprehension. "What is going to happen to me?" You're never going to know that because you are not dead, and if you are dead you won't need to ask the question anyway. Death is just a concept to you and death is always going to be that concept, that mystery, that dilemma, until it actually happens.

Can you see just how easily you can fall into that trap and get drawn into a dilemma which brings you right back into the pattern?


The relationship between trauma and karma

So now we are aware of the need for inner space to fuel the process of individuation. We are also aware of the basic high, middle and low pattern which reoccurs repeatedly in different ways to maintain power and control and reinforce conformity. But the human concept of power and control is not the only form of power in existence. There is also mystical power. I give you a card from the Major Arcana of the Tarot (illustrated above) to symbolize mystical power.

The card in question is 'Strength'. It's a simple card to interpret. You have a woman who is holding the jaws of a lion apart with her bare hands. Note the symbol for infinity above the woman's head (it looks like an eight turned on its side). It's also significant that it is a woman, and not a man, who is holding the jaws of a lion apart, but this will become clear shortly. First we need to understand the relationship between trauma and karma.

Trauma is essentially force. Death is an obvious example but trauma is any kind of force - be it gradual decay or decline or violence - which starts off a new karmic process, or process of karma. Trauma is always environmental. Karma is always action or activity and is essentially a process of creativity and interaction. Trauma and karma are always relative to each other. What I'm giving you here is the fundamental principle of physical existence based on energy which is a matter of wavelength, frequency and relativity to space and consciousness. Think of a wave on the surface of the ocean which rises from a trough to a crest (karma) and then 'breaks' from a crest to a trough (trauma). This is the basic, most fundamental pattern or rhythm of your life experience.

Also, if you pay attention to the sea, or the surface of a major tidal river, you will find that waves will be different sizes. Each individual wave on the surface of the water will be unique and individual and unlike any other. Go take a walk among trees and you will find that each individual tree looks differently to the rest.

Experiencing trauma in life is inevitable and it is this experience of trauma, in so many different ways, which breaks down our lives into fragments. We are all living fragmented lives which we somehow try to piece together and hold together as best we can. There's the major traumatic experiences, death of a loved one, bereavement and grief, a similar process when we lose a significant relationship, experiences of child abuse and domestic abuse, the loss of a job. Then there's also the minor traumatic experiences, getting the flu, our failures, mistakes, misunderstandings, disagreements, events and meetings that don't work out, and so on.

Each time you experience trauma your life changes. Some changes will be dramatic, even devastating, but there will be other changes which are far more subtle. Take aging and getting older for example. Aging and death are closely intertwined just as life and death are closely intertwined and you cannot really separate one from the other. Each and every traumatic event or experience, no matter how small or insignificant, sets off a new karmic process or process of karma.

Authority and ideology

Let's start with the word 'authority'. If we understand the pattern here, 'activity' is a number of actions, then 'authority' is the activity of an author, someone who creates, brings an idea into being, someone behind an idea. Similarly ideology is the '-ology' of ideas. Put the two together and you have something like the creation of ideas.

We need to look at this because authority, ideology and belief are all serious counters to any process of individuation. But to properly understand why we also need to look at desire. I've written about all this extensively in my e-books but for now we will stick to the basics and fundamentals. There are three basic, fundamental desires:

  • the desire for pleasantness and pleasure.
  • the desire for continuity of life, survival, reincarnation, redemption.
  • the desire for annihilation, non-existence, ending of life.

Desire is important because desire is a kind of energy which fuels expectation and belief. You can take any desire or expectation, any at all, from the simplest to the most intense and extreme, and if you follow it back to source you will end up with one or more of these basic desires.

Authority, ideology and beliefs all work in a similar way because they all give pleasure. If you come across an idea or a concept which you find pleasing, because it gives you comfort, reassurance, hope, or somehow meshes with your conditioning or memories, then you will invariably follow it and transform it into a belief. Likewise you identify with someone in authority because you find pleasure in their ideas or beliefs, and thus you choose to hold someone in authority because you get pleasure or comfort from their ideas and beliefs. You become their follower simply because you follow the belief.

You develop beliefs and follow them for a wide variety of reasons, for example you need psychological comfort or emotional security. You feel that the belief is important or significant. You identify yourself with the belief and make it part of who you are. But see it also works both ways. You like it when someone else follows your beliefs and treats your opinions and what you say as important to them. This is how it all feeds back into that basic pattern we've covered previously and gets woven into the fabric of society because we are all surrounded by different people who are very willing to tell us who and what we are and what they think.

This is how organized religion developed and out of that politics and other forms of authority. This is how we arrived at the concept of God. People need guidance, reassurance, direction and being told what to do.


The necessity of freedom from (external) authority

The downside of authority, belief and ideology is that it distorts the mind and clouds perception. We are all constantly bombarded by propaganda from all directions and many different sources - political, business, cultural, religious, and so on - that you can very easily get swayed and manipulated into a sense of a fantasy where it becomes impossible to distinguish illusion from reality and fact from opinion.

You see we are all walking round with a concept of self and a model of reality and how the world should be which isn't that much different fropm living in a dream. It all feeds off your basic desire system because your concept of self and who you are is based on the more pleasurable versions of what other people have told you you are and naturally, being human, you're motivated towards getting along with other people. You want to be admired, accepted, liked, loved, respected, and so you're constantly looking for the esteem from others to build on your own self-esteem.

It's the exact same mechanisms at play when it comes to beliefs and ideology. In fact the line between self and beliefs is blurred by personal beliefs and your personalization and self-identification with the beliefs you hold. In many societies, particularly in the UK and US, having the right beliefs and identifying with such beliefs is far more important than anything you do as an individual human being. Having the wrong beliefs at the wrong time with the wrong people can have serious repercussions.

This is why seeking to understand or explore the answers to the question "Who am I?" is such a societal taboo. Formal education systems generally teach you what to think and how to use your mind in a basic, fundamental way. But you don't get taught any of the necessary skills, such as discipline, critical thinking, the ability to explore, investigate, experiment, or develop on your curiosity or wonder, because if you develop such skills and learn how to be intelligent to the degree that you become resistant to propaganda, manipulation and socialization then it's game over. If you cannot be made to fear or be apprehensive by anyone in authority then you become a dangerous individual, because what might be going through your mind? Non-conformity in thinking puts a lot of people on edge.

Another thing I want to point out here is that if you follow a belief system, ideology or external authority you are simply 'papering over the cracks' when it comes to the many different fragments and subtle nuances of your life. This is important because you have powerful abilities when it comes to perception, memory, conceptualization, and if you give yourself enough opportunity your mind is capable of handling subtle nuances and connecting different fragments together. You are capable of both synchronicity and synergy and the process of individuation requires both synchronicity (making connections through consciousness) and synergy (making connections through space, void and emptiness).

This is why following too many beliefs and ideologies makes you ignorant and stupid. What I mean by ignorance here is lacking in conscious awareness. You stick to the small circle of consciousness given to you by others. You struggle to perceive and comprehend anything beyond that small circle of consciousness. you fail to appreciate the subtle nuances of life and miss out on the joy that comes from simply being alive. This brings us to stupidity? What do I mean by stupidity? Well stupidity for me is a lack of cohesion in thinking. Stupidity is thinking in fragments and fragmented thinking. Stupidity is being unable to join the dots or make the connections.

In the world of modern politics stupidity is a virtue. It means you're functional enough to hold down a job, not smart enough to figure out how you're being screwed over, and more than likely to go out and vote in an election for a mainstream party.

It's not the right time to be sober
Now the idiots have taken over
Spreading like a social cancer
Is there an answer?

MENSA membership conceding
Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson it's really elementary
The Industrial Revolution has flipped the bitch on evolution

The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized
What a bummer
The world keeps getting dumber
Insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

NOFX, 'The Idiots Are Taking Over'

Intelligence is key

To wrap things up.... The central key component of any process of individuation is intelligence and development of intelligence. Here I need to define what I mean by intelligence because it differs somewhat from the popular understanding of what intelligence means. Intelligence is usually taken to be a personal or character trait, and many people believe that some people are more intelligent than others. This is not the case.

Please consider that two of the most intelligent people I have ever met are people deemed to have learning difficulties. Go figure.

Intelligence is the ability to think cohesively, coherently, and in a way which is not fragmented. This is something that can be learned by anyone. Developing intelligence is pretty much synonymous with developing conscious awareness. Raising your conscious awareness is not a spiritual process, nor does it involve being any more spiritual than you are now. That is just complete bullshit and trust me, there are many so-called spiritual leaders and gurus who are complete bullshitters. Spiritual authority is often just as much of a racket as religious authority is. My point here is that, if you consider yourself to be a mature adult, you do not need any any authority figure in your life. If you have the mental capacity to follow a belief, then you have the mental capacity to think for yourself, develop your own intelligence, and be your own authority.

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is essentially information. Please pay attention to the word 'in-form-ation'. Consciousness is that what brings something or anything into a physical form or activity from a pattern, rhythm, or process. This means that consciousness is essentially code.

This is where we can start to tie things up and wrap up this blog post. Consciousness is essentially code. But if we change a letter we get the word 'coda' which means the ending or conclusion of a literary or dramatic piece of work. Now what I'm suggesting here (and I'm currently writing a book about it) is that your life is based on code, because consciousness is the basis of all physical existence. The process of individuation is essentially a process of decoding your life through the Felt Sense of Immediate Experience, piecing together the different fragments of your life.

Now this is where it becomes important to give space to your existence and all your life. Space and consciousness is essentially one and the same thing from a human perspective and the only way we can work out which is which is through physical existence and paying attention to what's going on.

Let me give you an example of what I'm getting at here. Let's say you're at a dinner party or event, or you've just started a new job. You're in a new environment and you don't know any of the people there. Now the intelligent thing to do in this situation is to keep your mouth shut and pay attention to what's going on around you and what people are talking about. This is so you can become consciously aware of what it's all about and start connecting to people. What you don't do is start making assumptions, start giving other people your unsolicited opinions, and pushing your own personal agenda. I'm assuming that you can see how stupid doing something like that is.


But this is precisely what many people are doing out there in society - making assumptions, giving out unsolicited opinions and pushing a personal agenda. These are people who are so caught up in the system or the matrix as it were they cannot see how they are so mentally and emotionally enslaved to the system and external authority. There's a reason why such concepts as the US First Amendment and freedom of speech exists, and it exists to bring anyone foolish enough to think it benefits them back into the exact same high, middle and low pattern to reinforce conformity. The same pattern that I have been writing about in this post.

None of this is necessary or essential to life. See the only thing that is important in life is to become fully grown, fully developed, fully matured, as much as you are personally capable of as an individual. The only thing that really matters in your life is your reality, your highs, your lows, your family, your friends, your experiences, your memories. If you go through the process of individuation, giving space to your existence, going out there prepared to explore, experiment, ask questions, learn, discover, all with an open mind, at some point you will discover your own personal coda.

What is this personal coda? Your personal coda is essentially the basic pattern or rhythm of your life where you understand what your life is really all about, where every single event or experience comes together in one cohesive, flowing narrative or story. This is where you begin to understand why certain things happened in your life, why certain relationships were significant, and why certain experiences were important. Your personal coda should give you a basic underlying principle - the principle of you and your life - and you begin to understand where you fit in with everything and what role you're supposed to play in life. Essentially your coda is an understanding of the totality of who you are within the context and totality of the human species.

Of course your personal coda will need some degree of verification and testing, else otherwise it will amount to nothing more than a belief and a personal ideology. But once you've recognized the same cycles and reoccurring patterns you should be intelligent enough to figure out how to go about it.

However it is being consciously aware of your personal coda, and how it plays out in your life which is what makes you an individual human being because it is the conclusion of your process of individuation. This coincides with a feeling of joy, and a feeling of inner peace and harmony. It's when you are able to see through the system for what it is and you understand the wisdom of never revealing your coda to anyone, because what's the point? Other people are not you. Each person has their own individual coda which is relative to the human species as a whole but it's down to them whether they seek it out and discover it or not. Keep in mind you cannot lead anyone to their personal coda without falling into the trap of that universal high, middle, low conspiracy of authority, sheep and follower.

It seems strange to have to lie
About a world so bright
And tell instead a made up story
From the world of night
I wish that I could really tell you
All the things that happened to me
And all that I have seen
A world full of people, their hearts full of joy
Cities of light with no fear of war
And thousands of creatures with happier lives
And dreams of a future with meaning and no need to lie
No need to hate
No need to lie
Oh, keep it dark....

Genesis, 'Keep It Dark'

Further reading

Despite the fact that this is a fairly long blog post, I've only managed to cover the most superficial aspects of what is an incredibly extensive subject area. However I have written more extensively on this subject in many of my other blog posts. I have also written three free e-books on this subject and am in the process of writing a fourth e-book.

Therefore if you wish to explore and dig deeper into this subject you'd be most welcome to click on any button below which will take you to one of my free e-books. If you need specific information or have questions then please feel free to contact me.

The Invisible Prison cover

The Invisible Prison is a free e-book I wrote some time ago about our relationship to authority and social conditioning. It's relative to my other free e-book titled 'The Tears of a Clown' which is about Ego.

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The Tears of a Clown cover

'The Tears of a Clown' is a free e-book I wrote some time ago which is about the Ego and the fact that in developing an Ego we get hurt and sometimes deceived. This book is relative to 'The Invisible Prison' which is about external authority and social conditioning.

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Ghostly Hunger cover image

'Ghostly Hunger' is a free e-book about creating space within oneself in order to develop consciousness. It's based on the premise that we are all ghosts playing about with a body hungry for life experience. It takes a much deeper look at the issues I've covered in this blog post and gives you a deeper insight which hopefully you will find useful in life.

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