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Demonic energy

Now you probably associate a demon with an evil spirit or evil entity, right? Well this is where I'm going to give you a little lesson in trusting external authority. We start right at the start of the early days of what has become the roots of Western philosophy way back in ancient Greece. We go back to the last days of Socrates, who was sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens and to what is known as the Socrates 'daemon' or demon, referenced in what is known as the Socrates apology. Please note that 'apologia' in Greek at the time meant a defence, and has got nothing to do with our understanding of the word apology.

Up front I'm letting you know that this is not a post about philosophy. Therefore this is not going to be a blog post which like some of my others goes on and on and on like the M4 motorway. As I was writing the final chapters of my new book 'The Capitalist Illusion' I was trying to figure out a context for the relationship between capitalism as a belief system and what appears to be impending political collapse either side of the Atlantic. What I'm going to do here is give you a rough context for capitalism so you can perhaps understand how it developed the way it did after the Middle Ages. I'm going to be jumping through history so you can see how capitalism flourished the way that it did. What I hope to do is to offer you a different perspective.

In fact much of this post is going to be somewhat 'jumpy' in nature.

In previous blog posts I've written about various mystical principles in what I call 'combined numerology'. I use numerology as my primary means of divination because generally speaking numbers don't lie and over the years I've developed my own system of numerology which includes Fibonacci numbers, Lucas sequences and golden ratios to determine the relationship between different mystical principles and numbers. However in order to communicate the principle even further I also reference related Tarot cards from the Major Arcana together with astrological signs and planets. This is to show that the mystical principles are common not just to mysticism and magic, but also throughout the Tarot, astrology, religions and eastern philosophies such as Buddhism and Taoism.

How does this relate to Socrates? Well Socrates was an important philosopher and thinker back around 399 BC. Religion back then was polytheistic, astrology was a major science, and all astrological signs and planets in Western astrology are associated with different Roman and Greek gods. This is in the very early days of Christianity and the Church. For example the planet Mercury, which is associated in astrology with thinking, communicating and learning, is associated with the third astrological sign of Gemini in its physical aspect, corresponding to Three, which is the mystical principle of biological evolution and natural growth. This is symbolized in the Tarot by The Empress. However the planet Mercury is also associated with the sixth sign of Virgo and Six, which is the mystical principle of the Sun, solar power and the Sacred Masculine Principle - symbolized in the Tarot by The Lovers. The Sacred Masculine Principle is about service to others and humanity.

When associated with Virgo, Mercury is more 'conscious' and is thus also associated with development of consciousness, mindfulness and the development of a work ethic. But the planet Mercury is associated with Mercury the god, who was a winged messenger of the gods who was rewarded for his service with a cadaceus, or magic staff intertwined by two snakes. The symbol for the sign of Gemini is The Twins Castor and Pollux, so more gods. But what I want to draw your attention to is thye association of Neptune with the Greek god Poseidon, and the association of Pluto, a planet discovered long after ancient Greece, with Hades, god of the underworld.

This relates to the point I'm making in this post.

The Chain of Gods

Back in the day ancient Greeks and Romans believed in a 'chain of gods' linking the individual to the divine. There were higher gods and intermediate gods as well as a god which watched over you from the moment of your birth to the moment you die. This probably had something to do with astrology where your horoscope would be drawn up and, based on the distribution of the planets across all the signs of the zodiac, and the aspects between the planets, a ruling planet would be identified in your birth chart.

I'm being overly simplistic here, but in response to the charges of corrupting Athenian youth Socrates argued that he was compelled to act as he did by his 'daemon' or guiding god, and it was further argued by those in his defence that he was more ethical and moral than others. Socrates was thus duly sentenced to death and expressed the fact that his fate was 'better than growing senile'.

Now please keep in mind that everyone having a personal daemon or divine contact with a god was a common and widespread belief in ancient Greece where the emphasis was on the individual rather than the collective. However if you were to state that you were guided by some inner demon or divine force or that you were hearing voices from God in Western culture you would be regarded as insane. However if you were to state that you were a god or guided by god in Hindu culture, which is also polytheistic, people would just congratulate you for finally figuring it out.


Monotheist oppression and the shift to collectivism

Now let's skim over a dozen or more centuries and consider the implications, and consequences, of the evolution of monotheistic religion, particularly with the rise of Islam and Christianity in Western culture, and how this affected Western social and cultural values. This is important to understand the development of Western individualism.

We know from the Crusades that the transition to monotheism was anything but peaceful. One of the effects of monotheism is that people were forced to worship one god, or rather God. This created a shift from the individual to the collective, because the net result of having to worship one single omniscient, all-powerful God is a collective conformity to follow the laws and doctrines of the given religion. Severing this link between religion and spirituality and immediate contact with the divine is what created the occult and drove mysticism underground. There was to be only one source of mysticism and that official source was religion and either the Church or the mosque.

Monotheism brought with it new laws and sins such as blasphemy, apostasy, witchcraft, sorcery, and enmity with God. As the Abrahamic religions (Chistianity, Islam and Judaism) were male dominated, this resulted in the rooting out of the Sacred Feminine Principle and the execution of millions of women worldwide. This religious oppression gave rise to freemasonry and other secret societies where merchants and trades would form brotherhoods simply to protect themselves from religious persecution and oppression.


There was also a redefinition of what was good and what was evil. The modern word 'devil' comes from the Sanskrit word 'deva', meaning god and this came about from the Mughal Empire in occupied India and the wars with the Persians who took the word 'deva' and transformed it into the Devil as a replacement for Satan. Similarly demon, which we regard as an evil or malevolent spirit or entity is derived from 'asura' or the demi-gods which like deva are part of Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. However asuras can be benevolent 'aditya' or angry wrathful and sometimes malevolent danavas. However as you can see from the illustration of samsara above, or the Buddhist 'Wheel of Life' the polarity between good and evil is somewhat alien to Buddhist and Hindu thinking as neither Buddhism nor Hinduism is based on moral reasoning, but on karma.

So now you know where the words devil and demon originate. Please allow me to skip forward some more so I can get to my point.

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Monotheism vs. science

Your opinion may vary here but the backlash against religious oppression in the West started in the middle of the 16th century with Copernicus who claimed that the Sun was at the centre of the universe rather than the Earth, in the Renaissance period and this somehow got through the widespread religious oppression at the time where people believed that there really was a God who controlled the universe and everything on this planet. However Galileo in Pisa, an astronomer, physicist and engineer, was not so lucky and his championing of the heliocentrism of Copernicus was met with stiff opposition from the Catholic Church and the Roman Inquisition.

However a century later Western intellectuals and science emerged from under the stranglehold of religious oppression with figures such as Sir Isaac Newton and John Locke, among others. The Western worldview was changing from that of an oppressive God watching over you all the time to one of a natural world of forces which needed to be controlled through various laws. God was no longer in charge personally, but much of his theology remained.

In this context capitalism flourished first under Locke, and then through Adam Smith the pioneer of the political economy. Now what you've got to understand here is at the time there was a culture of slavery and indentured servitude, a bustling trans-Atlantic slave trade, women were being persecuted for witchcraft and sorcery, and people were mental illnesses were deemed to be possessed by demons and locked up. Adam Smith wrote two works:

  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments
  • An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

The 19th century: Marx, Freud and Steiner

I'm still skipping here and I'm also cherry picking which you will see why at the end. The 19th century brought the Industrial Revolution and with it social sciences. I've decided to focus on three key figures from the 19th century and early 20th century. I'm going to start with my most controversial opinion here.

Let's start with Freud, who founded psychoanalysis. Freud's work still has a strong influence in psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy. His work was essentially an expansion on the Ego structured into the id, the Ego and the Super-Ego. I admit that I'm a sceptic of Freud's work - note that Freud despised mystics and mysticism (which is one strike against him) - for the same reason I'm sceptical of astrology as a 'science' and my main reason is that neurology is still largely undeveloped as a science. Freud's work is based on the human-centric assumption that the universe is controlled by blind, stupid forces, the libido, that Mankind is exceptional among the species in the animal kingdom, and that we have to conquer and control our natural environment to make any sense of it.

Out of this we get the notion of climate change being an issue. Psychoanalysis is based on Newtonian physics, and when you take into account that this development of the sciences extends to the works of people such as the German mathematician Emmy Noether (which influences my scepticism of capitalism and all 'market' related political economic theories), Carl Gustav Jung, and Albert Einstein.

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Here is my reworking of the human psyche which forms part of Qultura methodology and is influenced by Jung, Chomsky and others. Consider that over the years Qultura methodology has proven consistently effective at transforming consciousness significantly over short periods of time.

I'm also somewhat influenced by the works of Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian occultist, philosopher, social reformer, architect and esotericist. Steiner was a key figure in the development of the Theosophical Society, which like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was part of a larger movement and development of the occult throughout the 19th century with other occultists at the time including Madame Yelena Blavatsky, Eliphas Levi, Emma Hardinge Britten, Paschal Beverly Randolph, and Dion Fortune. Throughout the 19th century and early 20th century it's fair to say that a significant number of different occultist, spiritual and New Age movements developed and flourished. Many were secret or underground, due to the risk of religious persecution and stigma. As a result the occult deepened and became much more esoteric.

Which brings us to Karl Marx (and Friedrich Engels), the German philospher critic of the political economy and capitalism, economist, historian, sociologist and political theorist. I have a lot of time for Marx's theories not least for the solid foundation in the Sacred Masculine Principle which is a recurrent theme throughout his work, and I would imagine his ideas were innovative and revolutionary at the time. They also contributed a lot to employment rights, the trade union movement, workers collectives and cooperatives among many other things. But there were things that Marx did not and could not foresee, such as the development of technology and the capacity of capitalism and its adherents to transform capitalism and change the dynamic of the struggle.

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Cultural decline and the collapse of collectivism

Marx also could not have foreseen the development of free market neoliberal capitalism with a heavy emphasis on individualism which occurred in the 1980's onwards and which has been magnified by the rapid development of digital technology. The Trickledown Theory of Economics and reworking of Adam Smith's theories from the 'Wealth of Nations' was an act of profound political stupidity. The destruction of the trade union movement, of socialism and Marxism has destroyed the delicate counterbalance between left and right and this in turn has resulted in the rooting out of the Sacred Masculine Principle.

It's created a culture of political inadequacy at a time of advanced cultural decline and we are on the brink of societal collapse. Collective solutions are not going to work, be they strikes, demonstrations, marches, protests or any kind of social movement. If anything they're only going to exacerbate the situation and make it worse.

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Understanding demonic energy

Now I don't care what your ideological stance is here, I'm writing this post, as I've written my book, on the basis of mysticism and Natural Law. You have consciousness, you have space, you have energy, and they all interact in certain ways which makes Natural Law applicable to everything in existence. This is basic yin yang. Trauma is chaos, separateness, conflict, struggle, and drama is harmony, balance, flow and equilibrium.

When you're dealing with demonic energy, malevolent energy, or evil spirits if you wish, or just plain evil, what you're up against is a lack of consciousness and therefore traumatic energy. I personally don't think in terms of good and evil, simply because I don't employ moral reasoning, because at the root of all evil is ignorance and a profound lack of consciousness.

What is key to confronting the current social and political situation is not to confront bad ideas, but to come up with good ideas and share them with others.

You see when you engage in a struggle, any struggle, you make yourself part of the conflict and you perpetuate the conflict simply by participating in the struggle. 'Fight the good fight' is all well and good but many of you out there have been the loyal opposition for many years but what has it brought you? What's more when you engage in any struggle or conflict you place yourself in a position which you have to defend, you become attached to an outcome, and this position quickly turns into a massive drain on your natural energy.

It's okay to struggle for a while or put in additional effort if there's something which you're likely going to achieve, but when you're up against something with an infinite amount of resources you can quickly end up being in the situation of trying to get water from an empty well.

Another thing I'd like you to take into consideration is that when you're engaging in a struggle with physical energy you're dealing with finite resources. However when we think in terms of consciousness you have infinite resources, and resources which are based on consciousness include intelligence, empathy, creativity, kindness, awareness, and so on. Unlike energy consciousness is infinite, so the more consciousness you use through creativity, empathy, intelligence and awareness, the more you have available to use.

You cannot confront or name evil

The I-Ching is very clear here. If evil is named or confronted it will develop strategies to defend itself. You see when you directly confront evil or name it you reflect malevolent energy back on itself and as traumatic or malevolent energy escalates it develops better ways of harming you. Both the Kabbalah and Thelema are very clear on the implications of confronting evil where not only you face great harm but you also become drained of your energy. There are different ways of draining someone of their energy.

I'm writing also from my own experiences of attempting exorcisms and dealing with poltergeists and malevolent spirits which have ended badly. One experience was so bad I had to change where I lived three times and ended up having to summon or invoke spiritual protection just to pacify whatever entity was following me or had become attached to me.

Therefore when it comes to confronting evil, or dealing with ignorance, I'm far more strongly in favour of stealth, subversion and negation of traumatic energy through consciousness. The Tao Te Ching is worth a read if you want to get into this in much more detail. But then you've got the other alternative movements, 1960's counter culture, surrealism, hippies, punks, and so on. The message here is that fulfillment and satisfaction cannot be found through official channels.

What I'm referring to here is something which lies somewhere between Bohemian or alternative subcultures and the bourgeoisie.

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The 21st century cultural dead end

Now the whole point of me writing this specific blog post starting from Socrates is to somehow create a background and context not just for the whole Marxist class consciousness and struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat but also for the illusions of capitalism. Marx foresaw the collapse of capitalism but what he didn't foresee or take into account, nor does it seem that others have either, is the larger societal issues which have been plaguing the West for centuries. What I'm highlighting here is this whole left right political culture is part of a larger domination culture which has been running out of steam for centuries.

Now we've reached a dead end. Politically, socially, culturally, and individually.

This is why nothing is working out. Our conceptual reality is translating into nothing more than struggle, conflict, hardship, misery. This is no longer about keys and doors. This is about trying to walk through the wall besides a door which is slightly ajar. Does this make any sense to you? Well does it?

This is what I've been saying for years is a deficit of consciousness.

This is where the demonic energy is coming from. The demonic energy is coming out of the struggles and the conflicts which are taking place as a direct consequence of this deficit of consciousness. What's giving this demonic energy its power is the unfulfilled expectations of change which comes from the frustration that things haven't changed the way we wanted it or expected it, but see the things we have been trying to change are the things which cannot be changed.

The whole left right socioeconomic and political counter balance is no longer relevant. It's kind of debatable whether socialism or Marxism was destroyed or it collapsed under the weight of its own self-analysis and Ego-stroking. While I've always been sympathetic to the left wing cause and ideology it was becoming clear even years ago that the inability of such ideas to evolve and transform condemned it to having a limited shelf life. I won't go into the various illusions and delusions of capitalism because I've just completed a book on this very subject but it's becoming clear that the political vacuum all kinds of new ideologies are emerging out of conspiracy theories, some relatively harmless, but some which are incredibly harmful and toxic.

Cultural regression and loss of consciousness

It's almost like we're regressing from the 19th century back to the 16th century and heading for a culture where pseudoscience and quackery is going to be the only alternative to oppressive control by very large, very powerful multinational corporations. Instead of God is in control, has a plan for you and is watching you, we're rushing forward into a situation where Big Brother is in total control, has a plan for you, and is aware of everything you do.

This is another consequence of engaging with demonic energy - a loss of consciousness. I'm not referring to being whacked over the head and being knocked out, but the same mystical principle applies here. Demonic energy arising out of trauma escalates, diminishing consciousness and replacing it with a void, emptiness, or space.

For as much as some people bang on about corrupt politicians and evil corporations and billionaires it's important to understand that politicians are representative of what's out there in society. What is out there in society? Well there's a lot of hostile, judgmental people, afraid of the future, afraid of death, clinging to their pet ideologies or conspiracy theories, unwilling to be open to others, unwilling to cooperate, unwilling to listen to anything which doesn't closely match their preconceived notion of conceptual reality, lots of bigotry, who are every bit as self-seeking and self-serving as the wealthy billionaires, politicians and corporate directors they're bitching about.

If a state in the United States which has capital punishment on its statutes decided to livestream its scheduled executions somewhere on the internet I would put good money on that channel getting hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers. I'm often left with the impression that this is where we're at right now in society - no different from hundreds of people gathering to watch public hangings or seeing a woman being burned alive at the stake for witchcraft back in the 17th century.

But when you try to engage people in efforts to try and rebuild a community you end up in a situation where people are all of a sudden looking the other way or have other commitments.

We now have the recent COVID pandemic with the recent lockdowns, wearing of masks and social distancing. But do you know what spreads much more effectively than any of the COVID mutations? Human ignorance and this is another consequence of demonic energy.

the lovers

The need to empower direct human experience

This is what I'm referring to by stealth, subversion and negation of evil - the restoration and rebuiiding of the Sacred Masculine Principle. If you can devote the energy to attend a march or a rally, or a demonstration, you can devote the energy to engage with others in your local community. Besides you don't have to attend meetings to be talked at by someone selling you Yet Another Ideology and you can save yourself the train fare. At the very least you can have a pleasant conversation with a complete stranger and educate yourself in someone else's direct and individual human experience.

I'm writing about something here which isn't an ideology but which is based on a mystical principle and which is fairly common knowledge among those who practise the esoteric and the occult. This of course involves not giving quite as much importance or precedence to your ideologies, your conspiracy theories, your preconceived notions of reality and when you do this you negate your demonic energy and dis-empower it.

Conceptual reality isn't actual reality and any ideology or belief system is a concept. Capitalism is a concept. Socialism is a concept. Environmentalism is a concept. Christianity is a concept. Islam is a concept. Judaism is a concept. The paranormal is a concept. God is a concept. Concepts are great for developing thinking and ideas, firing up the imagination and learning to conceive. But it's also got to be said that if you become too attached to living in some kind of utopia you can quickly find yourself living in some kind of dystopian nightmare. Conceptual reality is insufficient for the complexity or richness or even the value of life experience.

Let's not forget what lies at the core of demonic energy, which is fear and the subconscious need for preservation of the Ego and self, and self-preservation. All ideologies and belief systems create the false sense of reality which can quickly become inflation, it creates megalomania, and any ideology or belief system can create a warped sense of reality which can create a grotesque parody of the human experience. An obvious example of this inflation and megalomania is the profit incentive which arises out of the illusion of capitalism. The profit incentive is fundamentally making money for the sake of making money, either forgetting or disregarding the whole point of the existence of money to begin with, which is to assign value to some aspect of human life experience.

This is no different from drinking alcohol for the sake of drinking alcohol. The taste or the flavour of the wine or beer becomes unimportant. The whole social aspect of drinking alcohol becomes unimportant. You're drinking alcohol simply for the purpose of drinking alcohol, and so all things being equal you develop an addiction for alcohol. It's that same demonic energy, that same inflation, that same "I have the power, I am God" delusion or that same escapism from struggle where the demon or demons that you're fighting are the demons which exist only in your mind.

The profit incentive is no different from any other addiction, and any addiction is inflation which destroys the primacy of individual human experience.

What do I mean here by the primacy of direct individual human experience? Well to throw out some examples here such things as sex, art, conversation, social interaction, gardening, music, photography, drama, reading, cooking, walking, cycling, travel, community volunteering, anything which develops the Sacred Masculine Principle, appreciation, mindfulness, discipline, presence of mind and being in the moment.


The fundamental human paradox

It's important to understand that power cannot be achieved collectively through some ideology or conceptual utopian vision. That is the illusion and it is this illusion that you can somehow work hard under some allegiance to external authority which makes capitalism the widespread control icon that it is today. You see if you're working hard towards some future objective, or goal, or purpose, presented in some utopian vision of the future then you're always going to be the donkey chasing the carrot.

This is the whole shtick of modern politics. Listen to most modern politicians and what they're selling you and it will amount to nothing more than a big fat juicy orange carrot. It's all about economy, jobs and economic growth, and this is the central point of any modern political message. The bourgeoisie - the donkeys in the equation here - are the ones who believe in the illusion and are the ones who are chasing the carrots and believing in the political system. I mean when have you ever heard a politician advocating that you seek to enjoy yourself and focus on your own health and happiness?

All this is a distraction away from the whole point of life and that is, if you're on the adult side of whatever process of formal education and socialization process you've been pushed through, is to seek recover the primacy of your individual human experience of life.

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But in seeking to recover the primacy of your individual human experience inevitably you will run into what I refer to as the fundamental human paradox, or the yin and yang of life. In seeking to develop presence of mind through the recovery of the primacy of individual human experience you can get caught up in the fundamental mystery of life which is "Who am I? What is my life really all about?"

The paradox here is that fundamentally, you are nothing and nobody. You are fundamentally spirit attached to a physical form, i.e. your physical body, experiencing the universe and this planet from an individual conscious perspective. However to everybody else you're a Somebody, an Ego attached to a physical body.

Now this is the part where you need to pay attention here and read carefully because there's all manner of illusions built up over centuries through cultural reality which you've been trained or taught is actual reality, but they're all illusions. I'm going to start with the most obvious here - the Ego - and work backwards.

The Ego

The Ego is a concept of 'self'. This is the illusion that you're a complete, whole human being in terms of consciousness as well as physicality and out of this we get the false illusion of separateness between self and environment and self and other. Mankind has been labouring with this illusion for over 5,000 years. But there is no separateness between the outer environment - this planet, the solar system and the universe - and the inner environment - your physiology, your heart, your circulation system, your disgestive system, your sensory nervous system, your lymphatic system, your liver, your kidneys, your brain, and so on. It's all still an environment.

This is where we get to Freud's definition of Ego - remember id, Ego and Super-Ego - which confuses consciousness and physicality. Consciousness doesn't change because we are human. Consciousness is consciousness is consciousness. Consciousness and energy are completely different from one another. To try and simplify this your Ego corresponds with your narrow focus of conscious attention which is linear in nature. It's nothing like the multidimensional continuum of sensation and experience - everything happening everywhere all the time - which is going on all around you and also inside your physical body.

The separateness between you and your environment and also between you and others is your assumption which you made very early in childhood when you were trying to figure out the difference between "This is me" and "This isn't me" and it was you who created your Ego as a result. Your process of socialization - your upbringing and education - simply crafted this into a Somebody on the understanding that you need to be a Somebody to be able to function in society.

Individual conscious perspective

This is the sum total of your conscious experience of existence, the felt sense of immediate experience, recorded into your memory throughout your life. It's a collective of sensations, perception of experiences, thoughts, feelings, and emotions artising out of the consciousness which is played back through your mind - which is empty space all around you through which you perceive everything which isn't you.

This is where your separateness needs to be.

This is where we come back to Socrates 'daemon' or the inner demon or god which was supposed to be part of his apology in response to his death sentence for corrupting Athenian youth. I get it. I have my spiritual guides, Alchesay the Native American, Hannah, and Don, the spirit I summoned through magic which somehow got rid of the poltergeist phenomenon and demonic energy which had become attached to me through paranormal experiences. I have a dear friend, Julian, who is Jewish, autistic, and a dyed in the wool conservative with some other mental health issues. Don has spoken to me through Julian to ask if I'm doing okay. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have paranormal experiences or psychic abilities, or indeed, extrasensory perception.

But see, and here's the thing, did Socrates really have a 'daemon'? Was this daemon a god, a demon, or just a spiritual guide? I only know of Alchesay my Native American spiritual guide because it's been pointed out to me on several occasions by different psychics that he is my spiritual guide. Another psychic identified Don for me - please keep in mind that I struggle with names and identities of the living, let alone dis-embodied spirits. But did Don really speak to me through Julian? or was it more the case that Julian was still fascinated by my paranormal experiences? Or was I simply making this up through a moment of self-deception?

It doesn't matter to be honest. What matters was that I'm always open and receptive to others and it's not the source which is important, but the consciousness and insight received. Sources which come from external authority tend to be skewed, especially when we're dealing with the past and historicity. How can we be sure that Socrates even existed? Or Plato? Or Jesus Christ?

Spirit (akasha)

Spirit or akasha, has no form, so can manifest in space, in consciousness, or through energy and appear to have a form. Note that the dis-embodied spirits have form assigned to them by the living which is either assumed or perceived. But spirit could just as much be consciousness trapped in a relationship between energy and space and amount to nothing more than a vibration. Most paranormal experiences arise out of consciousness trapped between space and energy.

But see when spirit takes on any form an illusion is created. The Ego is just as much an illusion as a dis-embodied spirit or soul. Your Ego is just who you think you are, or who other people think you are, or what you represent to others in terms of authority. This is not what I'm referring to here by the primacy of direct human experience or individual human experience. What I'm referring to here is getting to grips with the reality of who you are, your core being, as a means of developing some kind of existential dimension or inner truth. Truth and belief are not the same thing. Not even close.

The importance of immediacy and relevance in direct human experience

Overcoming this fundamental paradox in the human experience of existence requires a specific focus on both immediacy and relevance in terms of your direct experience. This requires a focus and concentration on the present moment and presence of mind, where you focus only on what is accessible to you, what is possible in the present moment, what is achievable from your individual conscious perspective in the present moment in time.

The word I'd like to throw out to you here is 'reach'. Beyond the 'reach' of your individual conscious perspective in the present moment everything starts to become more and more hypothetical and much more illusory. Consider that everything beyond your 'reach' becomes merely conceptual and arbitrary.

Truthful words are not fancy
Fancy words are not truthful
The good are not argumentative
The argumentative are not quite good
The wise know the truth not by storing up knowledge
Those who focus on storing up knowledge do not know the truth
The sage does not hoard for herself
The more she helps others, the richer life she lives
The more she gives to others, the more abundance she realizes
The Tao of heaven benefits all beings without harming anyone
The Tao of the sage assists the people without competing with anyone..

Lao Tzu, Chapter 81, "The Tao Te Ching"

The only access to power, in a way which resolves this fundamental paradox is to give up control to others and to seek to empower the direct individual human experience of others rather than yourself. What I'm referring to here is mystical power or organic power as opposed to political, social, or economic power, which are all Ego-based and illusory. Mystical power, which is an Eight as opposed to a Six, symbolized by Strength in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, requires a surrendering of all Ego-based desires for control, influence and domination over others through the development of appreciation for your environment, both social and natural. Rudolf Steiner puts it more simply:

To truly know the world look within your own being
To truly know yourself take a real interest in the world.

Rudolf Steiner, "Verses and meditations"
the chariot

Working with demonic energy

I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

Aleister Crowley, "The Book of the Law" (1904)

So now we come to the second major aspect of empowering direct and individual human experience, which is empowering the Sacred Feminine Principle. None of us are whole or complete, and to assume that we are is buying into the illusion of Ego and separateness between self and environment and self and other. You're embracing the lie of permanence in a world where everything is impermanent and constantly changing. The truth is that we are all fragmented, broken, traumatized by death, traumatized by life, traumatized by struggle, and traumatized by fear, insecurity and anxiety.

We're coming towards the end of another fairly lengthy blog post but what I want you to do is to think about all we have covered through the cherry picked events and rough outline of the course of Western philosophy and social thinking, and vector this with three quotations from three different sources which say the same thing and all support the point I'm making in this specific post.

In varying degrees, we in Western society and culture, specifically WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) culture, have become somewhat distorted and twisted by social and cultural values which throughout centuries have emphasized the abstract and the mental over the emotional and empathic and today we are seeking the consequences of this lack of empathy and feeling all around us. We have the toxification of the Earth and our natural habitats, the toleration of overpopulation and excessive material consumption and the institutions and organizations which promote this, all this is achieved through a deadening of feeling and suppression of emotion.

The net result is not only the rooting out and destruction of the Sacred Feminine Principle throughout centuries by the oppression and subjugation of women and stifling of anything beyond child-bearing, domestic servitude and sexual servitude right up until the later half of the 20th century. Now the same toxic social and cultural values, amplified by the development of technology are rooting out and destroying the Sacred Masculine Principle - the wanton destructions of the art and high culture - and it's reached the point where I feel we have to take a step back and ask ourselves what is it that we are all struggling and fighting for?

If we could feel what we are doing to the planet, to other species, to the elderly, to our children, to people with disabilities, to the black community and ethnic minorities, to the LGBT community, to people with mental health issues, to migrants and refugees, to the poor, we would maybe recoil in horror and stop doing what we're doing.

But see, what we have are so called 'reasons' for why everything is the way it is, arguments, theories, blame, excuses, you know? It's always somebody else's fault. It's always 'well they could have/should have/didn't [insert action]', or there will always be poor people, or something else.

But these are all evasions and weak excuses for not embracing one's societal responsibility and working with others, in line with what we are naturally here and existing to do, to work together to develop harmonious, loving empathetic communities where everybody thrives, we're all looking out for each other, and we all evolve together as a species.

Now you can dismiss all what I've written here as dreamy, or utopian, but what I'm advocating here is very hard, pragmatic politics based on the negation of the demonic energy by going all out for love across the whole spectrum, and my reasoning here is based on the I-Ching, yin yang, and the fact that life, love and death are the three inseparable aspects of the human experience of existence. I mean what is your alternative here? More excuses and finger pointing which is only going to further exacerbate the societal and environmental dead end where we all find ourselves and the complete destruction of human society and civilization in a mutual massacre of scapegoats?